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2011-10-06 22:00:00Z
Rees, Tony
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Taxa (13 449)
Abietinella abietina
Fleischer, 1923
(basis of record)
Abietinella hystricosa
Brotherus, 1925
(basis of record)
Acanthocladium brevifolium
Dixon, 1935
(basis of record)
Acanthocladium tanytrichoides
Baumgartner & J. Fröhlich, 1953
(basis of record)
Acanthodium rigidum
Mitten, 1868
(basis of record)
Acanthorrhynchium altisetulum
Fleischer, 1923
(basis of record)
Acanthorrhynchium grosso-papillatum
Fleischer, 1923
(basis of record)
Acanthorrhynchium microcarpum
Brotherus, 1925
(basis of record)
Acanthorrhynchium monostictum
Fleischer, 1923
(basis of record)
Acanthorrhynchium papillatum
Fleischer, 1923
(basis of record)
Acanthorrhynchium subintegrum
Brotherus, 1925
(basis of record)
Acanthorrhynchium substigmosum
Fleischer, 1923
(basis of record)
Acaulon capense
C. Müller, 1856
(basis of record)
Acaulon casasianum
Brugués & H. Crum, 1984
(basis of record)
Acaulon chrysacanthum
Stone, 1976
(basis of record)
Acaulon crassinervium
C. Müller, 1902
(basis of record)
Acaulon dertosense
C. Casas et al., 1986
(basis of record)
Acaulon eremicola
Stone, 1979
(basis of record)
Acaulon fontiquerianum
C. Casas & Sérgio, 1990
(basis of record)
Acaulon granulosum
Stone, 1988
(basis of record)
Acaulon integrifolium
C. Müller, 1855
(basis of record)
Acaulon leucochaete
Stone, 1976
(basis of record)
Acaulon longifolium
Herrnstadt & Heyn, 1999
(basis of record)
Acaulon muticum
C. Müller, 1847
(basis of record)
Acaulon nanum
C. Müller, 1888
(basis of record)
Acaulon recurvatum
Magill, 1981 [1982]
(basis of record)
Acaulon robustum
Brotherus ex G. Roth, 1913
(basis of record)
Acaulon schimperianum
Sullivant in Sullivant & Lesquereux, 1856 [1857]
(basis of record)
Acaulon sphaericum
J. Shaw, 1878
(basis of record)
Acaulon triquetrum
C. Müller, 1847
(basis of record)
Acaulon uleanum
C. Müller, 1888
(basis of record)
Acaulon vesiculosum
C. Müller, 1888
(basis of record)
Achrophyllum anomalum
H. Robinson, 1974
(basis of record)
Achrophyllum crassirete
Matteri, 1979
(basis of record)
Achrophyllum dentatum
Vitt & Crosby, 1972
(basis of record)
Achrophyllum haesselianum
Matteri, 1979
(basis of record)
Achrophyllum javense
Iwatsuki, B.C. Tan & Touw in Touw, 1978
(basis of record)
Achrophyllum magellanicum
Matteri, 1979
(basis of record)
Achrophyllum quadrifarium
Vitt & Crosby, 1972
(basis of record)
Achrophyllum tenuinerve
H. Robinson, 1974
(basis of record)
Acidodontium exaltatum
Jaeger, 1875
(basis of record)
Acidodontium heteroneuron
Brotherus, 1903
(basis of record)
Acidodontium integrifolium
Brotherus & Thériot in Thériot, 1929
(basis of record)
Acidodontium lanceolatifolium
Ochi, 1980
(basis of record)
Acidodontium lonchotrachylon
Brotherus, 1903
(basis of record)
Acidodontium longifolium
Brotherus, 1903
(basis of record)
Acidodontium megalocarpum
Renauld & Cardot, 1893
(basis of record)
Acidodontium pallidum
Herzog, 1916
(basis of record)
Acidodontium ramicola
Jaeger, 1875
(basis of record)
Acidodontium rhamphostegium
Jaeger, 1875
(basis of record)
Acidodontium seminerve
J.D. Hooker & Wilson, 1846
(basis of record)
Acidodontium sprucei
Jaeger, 1875
(basis of record)
Acidodontium subrotundum
J.D. Hooker & Wilson, 1846
(basis of record)
Acidodontium trachyticola
Brotherus, 1903
(basis of record)
Acritodon nephophilus
H. Robinson, 1964
(basis of record)
Acrocladium auriculatum
Mitten, 1869
(basis of record)
Acrocladium chlamydophyllum
C. Müller & Brotherus, 1900
(basis of record)
Acrocladium trichocladium
Boswell, 1892
(basis of record)
Acroporium aciphyllum
Dixon, 1924
(basis of record)
Acroporium adspersum
Brotherus, 1925
(basis of record)
Acroporium affine
Brotherus, 1925
(basis of record)
Acroporium angustum
Brotherus, 1925
(basis of record)
Acroporium antarense
Zanten, 1964
(basis of record)
Acroporium baviense
Brotherus, 1925
(basis of record)
Acroporium brevicuspidatum
Mitten, 1868
(basis of record)
Acroporium brevisetulum
Brotherus, 1925
(basis of record)
Acroporium caespitosum
W.R. Buck, 1983
(basis of record)
Acroporium cataractarum
Baumgartner & J. Fröhlich, 1955
(basis of record)
Acroporium catharinense
Sehnem, 1978
(basis of record)
Acroporium ceylonense
Dixon, 1930
(basis of record)
Acroporium condensatum
E.B. Bartram, 1939
(basis of record)
Acroporium consanguineum
Fleischer, 1923
(basis of record)
Acroporium convolutifolium
Dixon, 1935
(basis of record)
Acroporium convolutum
Fleischer, 1923
(basis of record)
Acroporium denticulatum
Dixon, 1924
(basis of record)
Acroporium depressum
Thériot, 1926
(basis of record)
Acroporium dicranoides
Fleischer, 1923
(basis of record)
Acroporium diminutum
Fleischer, 1923
(basis of record)
Acroporium dixonii
Tixier, 1966
(basis of record)
Acroporium downii
Brotherus, 1925
(basis of record)
Acroporium eburense
Bizot, 1976
(basis of record)
Acroporium erythropodium
Brotherus, 1925
(basis of record)
Acroporium esmeraldicum
W.R. Buck in Churchill, Griffin & J. Muñoz, 2000
(basis of record)
Acroporium estrellae
W.R. Buck & Schäfer-Verwimp, 1991 [1993]
(basis of record)
Acroporium exiguum
W.R. Buck & Schäfer-Verwimp, 1991 [1993]
(basis of record)
Acroporium flexisetum
Brotherus, 1925
(basis of record)
Acroporium fuscoflavum
Brotherus, 1925
(basis of record)
Acroporium gracilescens
Brotherus, 1925
(basis of record)
Acroporium gracillimum
Brotherus, 1925
(basis of record)
Acroporium hermaphroditum
Fleischer, 1923
(basis of record)
Acroporium joannis-winkleri
Brotherus, 1928
(basis of record)
Acroporium laevifolium
Brotherus, 1925
(basis of record)
Acroporium lamprophyllum
Mitten, 1868
(basis of record)
Acroporium letestui
Potier de la Varde, 1926
(basis of record)
Acroporium longicaule
Fleischer, 1923
(basis of record)
Acroporium longicuspis
Dixon, 1924
(basis of record)
Acroporium longirostre
W.R. Buck, 1983
(basis of record)
Acroporium macro-turgidum
Dixon, 1935
(basis of record)
Acroporium megasporum
Fleischer, 1923
(basis of record)
Acroporium microcladum
B.C. Tan in B.C. Tan, A.C. Church & Windadri, 1997
(basis of record)
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