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IRMNG source details

Clarke, 1983
2011-10-06 22:00:00Z

Fergusonia Hoffmann in Bronn, 1878 accepted as Nannophrys Günther, 1869 (verified source for family)
Fergusonia Hoffmann in Bronn, 1878 accepted as Nannophrys Günther, 1869 (extant flag source)
Fergusonia Hoffmann in Bronn, 1878 accepted as Nannophrys Günther, 1869 (source of synonymy)
Nannofrys Palacky, 1898 accepted as Nannophrys Günther, 1869 (basis of record)
Nannofrys Palacky, 1898 accepted as Nannophrys Günther, 1869 (extant flag source)
Nannofrys Palacky, 1898 accepted as Nannophrys Günther, 1869 (source of synonymy)
Nannofrys Palacky, 1898 accepted as Nannophrys Günther, 1869 (verified source for family)
Nannofrys Palacky, 1898 accepted as Nannophrys Günther, 1869 (name verified source)
Nannophrys Günther, 1869 (verified source for family)
Trachucephalus Ferguson, 1874 accepted as Nannophrys Günther, 1869 (extant flag source)
Trachucephalus Ferguson, 1874 accepted as Nannophrys Günther, 1869 (basis of record)
Trachucephalus Ferguson, 1874 accepted as Nannophrys Günther, 1869 (source of synonymy)
Trachucephalus Ferguson, 1874 accepted as Nannophrys Günther, 1869 (name verified source)
Trachucephalus Ferguson, 1874 accepted as Nannophrys Günther, 1869 (verified source for family)
Trachycephalus Ferguson, 1875 accepted as Nannophrys Günther, 1869 (source of synonymy)
Trachycephalus Ferguson, 1875 accepted as Nannophrys Günther, 1869 (extant flag source)
Trachycephalus Ferguson, 1875 accepted as Nannophrys Günther, 1869 (verified source for family)

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