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2011-10-06 22:00:00Z

Aagyrus chrysos Noyes & Hayat, 1994 accepted as Anagyrus chrysos Noyes & Hayat, 1994 (basis of record)
Ablaxia anaxenor (Walker, 1845) (basis of record)
Ablaxia asinus (Girault, 1917) (basis of record)
Ablaxia crasicornis (Thomson) accepted as Ablaxia crassicornis (Thomson, 1878) (basis of record)
Ablaxia crassicornis (Thomson, 1878) (basis of record)
Ablaxia megachlora (Walker, 1835) (basis of record)
Ablaxia parviclava (Thomson, 1878) (basis of record)
Ablaxia planiscuta (Thomson, 1878) (basis of record)
Ablaxia prothous (Walker, 1839) (basis of record)
Ablaxia robusta Hedqvist, 1978 (basis of record)
Ablaxia squamifera (Thomson, 1878) (basis of record)
Ablaxia temporalis Graham, 1969 (basis of record)
Ablaxia traulus (Walker, 1839) (basis of record)
Ablerus albicaput Girault, 1924 (basis of record)
Ablerus aleuroides (Husain & Agarwal, 1982) (basis of record)
Ablerus aligarhensis (Khan & Shafee, 1976) (basis of record)
Ablerus amarantus Girault, 1932 (basis of record)
Ablerus americanus Girault, 1916 (basis of record)
Ablerus aonidiellae Hayat, 1974 (basis of record)
Ablerus arboris Girault, 1932 (basis of record)
Ablerus argentiscapus Girault, 1932 (basis of record)
Ablerus atomom (Walker) accepted as Ablerus atomon (Walker, 1847) (basis of record)
Ablerus atomon (Walker, 1847) (basis of record)
Ablerus aureonotus Howard, 1897 accepted as Coccophagus aureonotus (Howard, 1897) (basis of record)
Ablerus baeusoides Girault, 1915 (basis of record)
Ablerus beenleighi Girault, 1926 (basis of record)
Ablerus bharathius (Subba Rao, 1984) (basis of record)
Ablerus bicinctipes Girault, 1932 (basis of record)
Ablerus bidentatus Girault, 1913 (basis of record)
Ablerus bifasciatus (Girault, 1913) (basis of record)
Ablerus biguttatibiae Girault, 1924 (basis of record)
Ablerus bimaculatus (Khan & Shafee, 1976) accepted as Ablerus perspeciosus Girault, 1916 (basis of record)
Ablerus capensis (Howard, 1907) (basis of record)
Ablerus celsus (Walker, 1839) (basis of record)
Ablerus chionaspidis (Howard, 1914) (basis of record)
Ablerus chrysomphali (Ghesquière, 1960) (basis of record)
Ablerus ciliatus De Santis, 1948 (basis of record)
Ablerus clisiocampae (Ashmead, 1894) (basis of record)
Ablerus clisiocampe (Ashmead) accepted as Ablerus clisiocampae (Ashmead, 1894) (basis of record)
Ablerus connectens Silvestri, 1927 (basis of record)
Ablerus crassus (De Santis, 1974) (basis of record)
Ablerus delhiensis (Lal, 1938) (basis of record)
Ablerus diana Girault, 1920 (basis of record)
Ablerus dozieri (Darling & Johnson, 1984) (basis of record)
Ablerus elegantissimus Girault, 1913 (basis of record)
Ablerus elegantulus (Silvestri, 1915) (basis of record)
Ablerus emersoni Girault, 1917 (basis of record)
Ablerus fumipennis (Subba Rao, 1984) accepted as Ablerus bharathius (Subba Rao, 1984) (basis of record)
Ablerus gargarae Hayat, 1998 (basis of record)
Ablerus gratus Girault, 1929 (basis of record)
Ablerus greatheadi (Annecke & Insley, 1970) accepted as Ablerus chionaspidis (Howard, 1914) (basis of record)
Ablerus grotiusi Girault, 1913 (basis of record)
Ablerus hastatus Girault, 1932 (basis of record)
Ablerus howardii Girault, 1915 (basis of record)
Ablerus hyalinus Girault, 1913 (basis of record)
Ablerus impunctatipennis Girault, 1917 (basis of record)
Ablerus inquirenda Silvestri, 1927 (basis of record)
Ablerus kashmirensis (Narayanan, 1961) accepted as Ablerus perspeciosus Girault, 1916 (basis of record)
Ablerus lepidus (De Santis, 1974) (basis of record)
Ablerus leucopidis Blanchard, 1942 (basis of record)
Ablerus longfellowi Girault, 1913 (basis of record)
Ablerus macchiae (Annecke & Insley, 1970) (basis of record)
Ablerus macilentus (De Santis, 1974) (basis of record)
Ablerus macrochaeta Silvestri, 1927 (basis of record)
Ablerus magistrettii Blanchard, 1942 (basis of record)
Ablerus miricilia Girault, 1929 (basis of record)
Ablerus molestus Blanchard, 1936 (basis of record)
Ablerus nelsoni Girault, 1921 (basis of record)
Ablerus novicornis Girault, 1931 (basis of record)
Ablerus nympha Girault, 1913 (basis of record)
Ablerus palauensis Doutt, 1951 (basis of record)
Ablerus pan Girault, 1913 (basis of record)
Ablerus perfuscipennis De Santis, 1954 (basis of record)
Ablerus perspeciosus Girault, 1916 (basis of record)
Ablerus peruviana Girault, 1916 accepted as Ablerus peruvianus Girault, 1916 (basis of record)
Ablerus peruvianus Girault, 1916 (basis of record)
Ablerus piceipes Girault, 1913 (basis of record)
Ablerus pinifoliae (Mercet, 1912) (basis of record)
Ablerus pius Girault, 1929 (basis of record)
Ablerus plesius (Annecke & Insley, 1970) (basis of record)
Ablerus plinii Girault, 1929 (basis of record)
Ablerus poincarei Girault, 1913 (basis of record)
Ablerus promacchiae Viggiani & Ren, 1993 (basis of record)
Ablerus pulcherrimus (Mercet, 1922) (basis of record)
Ablerus pulchriceps Zehntner, 1899 (basis of record)
Ablerus pullicornis Girault, 1931 (basis of record)
Ablerus pumilus Annecke & Insley, 1970 (basis of record)
Ablerus punctatus Girault, 1921 (basis of record)
Ablerus qadrii (Agarwal, 1964) accepted as Ablerus chionaspidis (Howard, 1914) (basis of record)
Ablerus rhea Girault, 1929 (basis of record)
Ablerus romae Girault, 1932 (basis of record)
Ablerus saintpierrei Girault, 1913 (basis of record)
Ablerus separaspidis (Annecke & Insley, 1970) (basis of record)
Ablerus sidneyi Girault, 1932 (basis of record)
Ablerus similis (De Santis, 1948) (basis of record)
Ablerus socratis Girault, 1931 (basis of record)
Ablerus socrus Girault, 1915 (basis of record)
Ablerus speciosus Girault, 1913 (basis of record)
Ablerus stylatus (Mercet, 1927) (basis of record)
Ablerus totifuscipennis Girault, 1929 (basis of record)

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