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Sawyer, R. T. (1986). Leech Biology and Behaviour: Feeding Biology, Ecology, and Systematics. Clarendon Press, 1,065 pp.
Sawyer, R. T.
Leech Biology and Behaviour: Feeding Biology, Ecology, and Systematics. Clarendon Press, 1,065 pp.
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
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2011-10-06 22:00:00Z
2022-10-05 05:01:22Z

Abessebdella Richardson, 1975 accepted as Chtonobdella Grube, 1866 (habitat flag source)
Acanthobdella Grube, 1851 (habitat flag source)
Acrabdella Harding, 1931 accepted as Scaptobdella Blanchard, 1897 (habitat flag source)
Actinobdella Moore, 1901 (habitat flag source)
Adenodrilus Holt, 1977 (habitat flag source)
Aestabdella Burreson, 1976 (habitat flag source)
Aetheobdella Moore, 1935 (habitat flag source)
Alboglossiphonia Lukin, 1976 (habitat flag source)
Americobdella Caballero y Caballero, 1956 (habitat flag source)
Amicibdella Richardson, 1974 accepted as Chtonobdella Grube, 1866 (habitat flag source)
Ankyrodilus (habitat flag source)
Anphilaemon Richardson, 1979 accepted as Chtonobdella Grube, 1866 (habitat flag source)
Archaeobdella Grimm, 1876 (basis of record)
Archaeobdella Grimm, 1876 (habitat flag source)
Archaeobdella Grimm, 1876 (extant flag source)
Austrobdella Badham, 1916 (habitat flag source)
Baicalobdella Dogiel & Bogolepova, 1957 (habitat flag source)
Barbronia Johansson in Sarasin & Roux, 1918 (habitat flag source)
Bassianobdella Richardson, 1970 (habitat flag source)
Bathybdella Burreson, 1981 (basis of record)
Bathybdella Burreson, 1981 (habitat flag source)
Bathybdella Burreson, 1981 (current name source)
Batracobdella Viguier, 1879 (habitat flag source)
Bdellamaris Richardson, 1953 (habitat flag source)
Bdellodrilus Moore, 1895 (habitat flag source)
Beringobdella Caballero, 1974 (habitat flag source)
Bibula Blanchard, 1917 accepted as Blanchardiella Weber, 1914 (source of synonymy)
Blanchardiella Weber, 1914 (habitat flag source)
Blanchardiella Weber, 1914 (verified source for family)
Bogabdella Richardson, 1969 (habitat flag source)
Boreobdella Johansson, 1929 (habitat flag source)
Branchellion Savigny, 1822 (habitat flag source)
Branchiobdella Odier, 1823 (habitat flag source)
Calliobdella van Beneden & Hesse, 1863 (habitat flag source)
Cambarincola Ellis, 1912 (habitat flag source)
Cardea Blanchard, 1917 accepted as Americobdella Caballero y Caballero, 1956 (habitat flag source)
Caridinophila Liang, 1963 (habitat flag source)
Caspiobdella Epshtein, 1966 (habitat flag source)
Castrabdella Richardson, 1975 accepted as Chtonobdella Grube, 1866 (habitat flag source)
Cedbdella Richardson, 1975 accepted as Chtonobdella Grube, 1866 (habitat flag source)
Ceratodrilus Hall, 1914 (habitat flag source)
Chtonobdella Grube, 1866 (habitat flag source)
Cirrodrilus Pierantoni, 1905 (habitat flag source)
Clepsine Savigny, 1822 (habitat flag source)
Codonobdella Grube, 1873 (habitat flag source)
Codonobdella Grube, 1873 (current name source)
Codonobdella Grube, 1873 (basis of record)
Cronodrilus Holt, 1968 (habitat flag source)
Cryobdella Harding, 1922 (habitat flag source)
Cryobdellina Brinkmann, 1948 (habitat flag source)
Cyclobdella Weyenbergh, 1879 (habitat flag source)
Cylicobdella Grube, 1871 (verified source for family)
Cylicobdella Grube, 1871 (habitat flag source)
Cylicobdellidae Ringuelet, 1972 (habitat flag source)
Cystobranchus Diesing, 1859 (habitat flag source)
Desmobdella Oka, 1930 (habitat flag source)
Desserobdella Barta & Sawyer, 1990 accepted as Placobdella Blanchard, 1893 (habitat flag source)
Diestecostoma Vaillant in Quatrefages (Vaillant), 1890 (habitat flag source)
Dina Blanchard, 1892 (habitat flag source)
Dineta Goddard, 1908 (habitat flag source)
Domanibdella Richardson, 1974 accepted as Chtonobdella Grube, 1866 (habitat flag source)
Ellisodrilus Holt, 1960 (habitat flag source)
Elocobdella Richardson, 1975 accepted as Chtonobdella Grube, 1866 (habitat flag source)
Erpobdella Lamarck, 1818 (habitat flag source)
Eucryptobdella Richardson, 1975 accepted as Chtonobdella Grube, 1866 (habitat flag source)
Eunomobdella Richardson, 1969 (habitat flag source)
Euranophila Richardson, 1969 (habitat flag source)
Fijibdella Richardson, 1975 accepted as Chtonobdella Grube, 1866 (habitat flag source)
Foraminobdella Kaburaki, 1921 accepted as Salifa Blanchard, 1897 (habitat flag source)
Galatheabdella Richardson & Meyer, 1973 (habitat flag source)
Gastrostomobdella Moore, 1929 (habitat flag source)
Geobdella de Blainville, 1827 accepted as Trocheta Dutrochet, 1817 (habitat flag source)
Gloiobdella Ringuelet, 1978 (habitat flag source)
Glossiphonia Johnson, 1816 (habitat flag source)
Glyptonotobdella Sawyer & White, 1969 (current name source)
Glyptonotobdella Sawyer & White, 1969 (basis of record)
Glyptonotobdella Sawyer & White, 1969 (habitat flag source)
Goddardobdella Richardson, 1969 (habitat flag source)
Habeobdella Richardson, 1971 (habitat flag source)
Haemadipsa Tennent, 1861 (habitat flag source)
Haementeria de Filippi, 1849 (habitat flag source)
Haemopis Savigny, 1820 (habitat flag source)
Helobdella Blanchard, 1896 (habitat flag source)
Hemibdella van Beneden & Hesse, 1863 (habitat flag source)
Hemiclepsis Vejdovský, 1884 (habitat flag source)
Heptacyclus Vasileyev, 1939 (habitat flag source)
Heptacyclus Vasileyev, 1939 (basis of record)
Hirudinaria Whitman, 1886 (habitat flag source)
Hirudo Linnaeus, 1758 (habitat flag source)
Hirudobdella Goddard, 1910 (verified source for family)
Hirudobdella Goddard, 1910 (habitat flag source)
Ichthyobdella Blainville, 1827 accepted as Myzobdella Leidy, 1851 (habitat flag source)
Ichthyobdella Blainville, 1827 accepted as Myzobdella Leidy, 1851 (extant flag source)
Ichtyobdella Örsted, 1844 accepted as Ichthyobdella Blainville, 1827 accepted as Myzobdella Leidy, 1851 (habitat flag source)
Illebdella Richardson, 1974 (habitat flag source)
Jaabdella Richardson, 1975 accepted as Chtonobdella Grube, 1866 (habitat flag source)
Johanssonia Selensky, 1914 (habitat flag source)
Kaiyabdella Richardson, 1972 (habitat flag source)
Keibdella Richardson, 1975 (habitat flag source)
Kumabdella Richardson, 1971 (habitat flag source)

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