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Willis, J. C. (1973). A Dictionary of the Flowering Plants and Ferns. Eighth edition, revised by H. K. Airy Shaw. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1245 pp. plus appendices (keys).
Willis, J. C.
A Dictionary of the Flowering Plants and Ferns. Eighth edition, revised by H. K. Airy Shaw. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1245 pp. plus appendices (keys).
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2011-10-06 22:00:00Z
2016-12-09 22:24:32Z

Abrophaes Rafinesque, 1838 accepted as Miconia Ruiz & Pavon, 1794 (source of synonymy)
Achilleopsis Turczaninow, 1849 accepted as Rulingia R. Brown, 1820 (source of synonymy)
Acouroa Aublet, 1775 accepted as Dalbergia Linnaeus f., 1782 (source of synonymy)
Agallochum Lamarck, 1783 accepted as Aquilaria Lamarck, 1783 (source of synonymy)
Agastianis Rafinesque, 1838 accepted as Sophora Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Agriphyllum A.L. Jussieu, 1789 accepted as Berkheya F. Ehrhart, 1784 (source of synonymy)
Alguelaguen Adanson, 1763 accepted as Lepechinia Willdenow, 1804 (source of synonymy)
Alguelagum C.E.O. Kuntze, 1891 accepted as Lepechinia Willdenow, 1804 (basis of record)
Alguelagum C.E.O. Kuntze, 1891 accepted as Lepechinia Willdenow, 1804 (source of synonymy)
Alina Adanson, 1763 accepted as Hyperbaena Miers ex Bentham, 1861 (source of synonymy)
Alsine J. Gaertner accepted as Minuartia Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Amblostima Rafinesque, 1837 accepted as Schoenolirion Torrey in E.M. Durand, 1855 (source of synonymy)
Ananas J. Gaertner, 1788 accepted as Bromelia Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Androphylax J.C. Wendland, 1798 accepted as Cocculus A.P. de Candolle, 1817 (source of synonymy)
Angiopetalum Reinwardt, 1825 accepted as Labisia J. Lindley, 1845 (source of synonymy)
Angolam Adanson, 1763 accepted as Alangium Lamarck, 1783 (source of synonymy)
Anisoderis Cassini in F. Cuvier, 1827 accepted as Crepis Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Anomorhegmia Meisner, 1840 accepted as Stauranthera Bentham, 1835 (source of synonymy)
Antheëischima P.W. Korthals in Temminck, 1842 represented as Antheeischima P.W. Korthals in Temminck, 1842 accepted as Gordonia J. Ellis, 1771 (source of synonymy)
Apalatoa Aublet, 1775 accepted as Crudia Schreber, 1789 (source of synonymy)
Apatales C.L. von Blume ex H.N. Ridley, 1886 accepted as Liparis L.C. Richard, 1817 (basis of record)
Apation Blume ex H.R. Ridley, 1886 accepted as Liparis L.C. Richard, 1817 (additional source)
Appella Adanson, 1763 accepted as Premna Linnaeus, 1771 (source of synonymy)
Argolasia A.L. Jussieu, 1789 accepted as Lanaria W. Aiton, 1789 (source of synonymy)
Asteranthus S.F.L. Endlicher, 1837 accepted as Homalium N.J. Jacquin, 1760 (source of synonymy)
Astranthus Loureiro, 1790 accepted as Homalium N.J. Jacquin, 1760 (source of synonymy)
Atherurus Blume, 1837 accepted as Pinellia Tenore, 1839 (additional source)
Aulacia Loureiro, 1790 accepted as Micromelum Blume, 1825 (source of synonymy)
Bahel Adanson, 1763 accepted as Artanema D. Don in Sweet, 1834 (source of synonymy)
Basteria P. Miller, 1755 accepted as Calycanthus Linnaeus, 1759 (source of synonymy)
Baudinia J.B.L.T. Leschenault de la Tour ex A.P. de Candolle, 1839 accepted as Scaevola Linnaeus, 1771 (source of synonymy)
Baumgartia Moench, 1794 accepted as Cocculus A.P. de Candolle, 1817 (source of synonymy)
Bellevalia A.R. Delile ex S.F. Endlicher, 1836 accepted as Althenia Petit, 1829 (extant flag source)
Bellevalia A.R. Delile ex S.F. Endlicher, 1836 accepted as Althenia Petit, 1829 (source of synonymy)
Bellevalia J.J. Roemer & J.A. Schultes accepted as Richeria M. Vahl, 1797 (basis of record)
Bellevalia J.J. Roemer & J.A. Schultes accepted as Richeria M. Vahl, 1797 (name verified source)
Beluttakaka Adanson, 1763 accepted as Chonemorpha G. Don, 1837 (source of synonymy)
Belutta-Kaka Adanson, 1763 accepted as Chonemorpha G. Don, 1837 (source of synonymy)
Belvala Adanson, 1763 accepted as Struthiola Linnaeus, 1767 (source of synonymy)
Bergella (A. Gray) Schnizlein, 1843-1870 accepted as Bergia Linnaeus, 1771 (source of synonymy)
Beverna Adanson, 1763 accepted as Babiana Ker-Gawler ex Sims, 1801 (source of synonymy)
Bikukulla Adanson, 1763 accepted as Dicentra Bernhardi, 1833 (source of synonymy)
Boldoa Endlicher, 1841 accepted as Peumus Molina, 1782 (source of synonymy)
Boldoa Endlicher, 1841 accepted as Peumus Molina, 1782 (basis of record)
Boldu Adanson, 1763 accepted as Peumus Molina, 1782 (source of synonymy)
Brachygyne Cassini, 1827 accepted as Eriocephalus Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Braunea Willdenow, 1806 accepted as Tiliacora Colebrooke, 1821 (source of synonymy)
Breteuillia Buchoz, 1785 accepted as Didelta L'Héritier de Brutelle, 1786 (source of synonymy)
Brizopyrum J.S. Presl, 1830 accepted as Distichlis Rafinesque, 1819 (source of synonymy)
Brownetera L.C. Richard ex L. Trattinnick, 1825 accepted as Phyllocladus Mirbel, 1825 (source of synonymy)
Buda Adanson, 1763 accepted as Spergularia (Persoon) J.S. Presl & K.B. Presl, 1819 (source of synonymy)
Bureaua C.E.O. Kuntze accepted as Combretum Loefling, 1758 (name verified source)
Bureaua C.E.O. Kuntze accepted as Combretum Loefling, 1758 (basis of record)
Burgsdorfia Moench, 1794 accepted as Sideritis Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Busbeckea Endlicher, 1833 accepted as Capparis Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Busbeckea C.F.P. von Martius, 1829 accepted as Salpichroa Miers, 1845 (source of synonymy)
Buttneria P. Browne, 1756 accepted as Casasia A. Richard in Sagra, 1850 (source of synonymy)
Calesiam Adanson, 1763 accepted as Lannea A. Richard in J.B.A. Guillemin et al., 1831 (source of synonymy)
Callichloe Willd. ex E.G. von Steudel accepted as Elionurus F.W.H.A. von Humboldt & A.J.A. Bonpland ex C.L. von Willdenow, 1806 (name verified source)
Callichloe Willd. ex E.G. von Steudel accepted as Elionurus F.W.H.A. von Humboldt & A.J.A. Bonpland ex C.L. von Willdenow, 1806 (extant flag source)
Callichloe Willd. ex E.G. von Steudel accepted as Elionurus F.W.H.A. von Humboldt & A.J.A. Bonpland ex C.L. von Willdenow, 1806 (verified source for family)
Callichloe Willd. ex E.G. von Steudel accepted as Elionurus F.W.H.A. von Humboldt & A.J.A. Bonpland ex C.L. von Willdenow, 1806 (basis of record)
Callicornia N.L. Burman, 1768 accepted as Asteropterus Adanson, 1763 (source of synonymy)
Callixene Commerson ex A.L. Jussieu, 1789 accepted as Luzuriaga Ruiz & Pavon, 1802 (source of synonymy)
Calochloa G. Kunze accepted as Elionurus F.W.H.A. von Humboldt & A.J.A. Bonpland ex C.L. von Willdenow, 1806 (name verified source)
Calochloa G. Kunze accepted as Elionurus F.W.H.A. von Humboldt & A.J.A. Bonpland ex C.L. von Willdenow, 1806 (basis of record)
Calsiama Rafinesque, 1838 accepted as Lannea A. Richard in J.B.A. Guillemin et al., 1831 (source of synonymy)
Calucechinus Hombron & Jacquinot in Dumont d'Urville, 1843 accepted as Nothofagus Blume, 1851 (source of synonymy)
Calusparassus Hombron & Jacquinot in Dumont d'Urville, 1843 accepted as Nothofagus Blume, 1851 (source of synonymy)
Camonea Rafinesque, 1838 accepted as Merremia Dennstedt ex Endlicher, 1841 (source of synonymy)
Caopia Adanson, 1763 accepted as Vismia Vandelli, 1788 (source of synonymy)
Capnorchis P. Miller, 1754 accepted as Dicentra Bernhardi, 1833 (source of synonymy)
Capraea (G.D.I. Koch) Opiz, 1852 accepted as Salix Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Caproxylon Tussac, 1827 accepted as Tetragastris J. Gaertner, 1790 (source of synonymy)
Capura Linnaeus, 1771 accepted as Wikstroemia Endlicher, 1833 (source of synonymy)
Cattutella H.G.L. Reichenbach accepted as Wendlandia Bartling ex A.P. de Candolle, 1830 (name verified source)
Cattutella H.G.L. Reichenbach accepted as Wendlandia Bartling ex A.P. de Candolle, 1830 (basis of record)
Caulinia Willdenow, 1801 (source of synonymy)
Cebatha Forsskål, 1775 accepted as Cocculus A.P. de Candolle, 1817 (source of synonymy)
Ceraselma G.C. Wittstein accepted as Euphorbia Linnaeus, 1753 (name verified source)
Ceraselma G.C. Wittstein accepted as Euphorbia Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Cerea L.M.A. du P. Thouars, 1805 accepted as Elaeocarpus Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Cheiropsis (A.P. de Candolle) Berchtold & J.S. Presl, 1823 accepted as Clematis Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Chibaca G. Bertoloni, 1853 accepted as Warburgia Engler, 1895 (source of synonymy)
Chloridiopsis J. Gay ex F.L. Scribner accepted as Trichloris E. Fournier ex Bentham, 1881 (extant flag source)
Chloridiopsis J. Gay ex F.L. Scribner accepted as Trichloris E. Fournier ex Bentham, 1881 (source of synonymy)
Chloridiopsis J. Gay ex F.L. Scribner accepted as Trichloris E. Fournier ex Bentham, 1881 (name verified source)
Chloridiopsis J. Gay ex F.L. Scribner accepted as Trichloris E. Fournier ex Bentham, 1881 (basis of record)
Chloroxylon Rafinesque, 1828 accepted as Diospyros Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Chloroxylon Rafinesque, 1828 accepted as Diospyros Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Chloroxylum Post & Kuntze, 1903 accepted as Chloroxylon A.P. de Candolle, 1824 (basis of record)
Chloroxylum P. Browne, 1756 accepted as Ziziphus P. Miller, 1754 (source of synonymy)
Chloroxylum Post & Kuntze, 1903 accepted as Chloroxylon A.P. de Candolle, 1824 (source of synonymy)
Chondropis Rafinesque, 1837 accepted as Exacum Linnaeus, 1753 (additional source)
Chondropsis Rafinesque, 1837 accepted as Exacum Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Clinogyne K.M. Schumann accepted as Marantochloa A.T. Brongniart ex Gris, 1860 (basis of record)
Clinogyne K.M. Schumann accepted as Marantochloa A.T. Brongniart ex Gris, 1860 (name verified source)
Clompanus Aublet, 1775 accepted as Lonchocarpus Kunth in Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth, 1824 (source of synonymy)
Coelopyrum W. Jack, 1822 accepted as Campnosperma Thwaites, 1854 (source of synonymy)
Conohoria Aublet, 1775 accepted as Rinorea Aublet, 1775 (source of synonymy)
 Nomenclatural status

orthographia [details]

 Nomenclatural status

orthographia [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Authority given in Willis as Nieuwland ("Nieuwl.") [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Name per Willis, 1973, not listed in Tropicos or Plants of the World Online (2022 versions). An apparently earlier ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

?Original alternative spelling: "See Patrisa" (Index Kewensis). Name listed under this spelling in Willis, 1973, ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Authority given in Index Nominum Genericorum as J. Burman ex R.A. Salisbury, 1807, in Index Kewensis as Salisbury, ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Misspelling in Nomenclator Zoologicus (electronic and print versions) and in ION/BioNames. [details]

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