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IRMNG source details (Jun 2012) / web search (AJR)
2015-05-30 22:00:00Z

Abagnostidae Yang & Liu, 1991 † accepted as Peronopsidae Westergard, 1936 † (basis of record)
Abagnostidae Yang & Liu, 1991 † accepted as Peronopsidae Westergard, 1936 † (source of synonymy)
Achaemenothrombiidae Saboori, Wohltmann & Hakimitabar, 2010 (current name source)
Achaemenothrombiidae Saboori, Wohltmann & Hakimitabar, 2010 (basis of record)
Acrocanitidae Korn, Bockwinkel & Ebbighausen, 2007 † (current name source)
Acrocanitidae Korn, Bockwinkel & Ebbighausen, 2007 † (basis of record)
Aetheogrammatidae Ren & Engel, 2008 † (current name source)
Aetheogrammatidae Ren & Engel, 2008 † (basis of record)
Agitatidae Cavalier-Smith & Bass in Bass, Howe, Mylnikov, Vickerman, Chao, Smallbone, Snell, Cabral & Cavalier-Smith, 2009 (basis of record)
Agitatidae Cavalier-Smith & Bass in Bass, Howe, Mylnikov, Vickerman, Chao, Smallbone, Snell, Cabral & Cavalier-Smith, 2009 (current name source)
Aishacrinidae Prokop, 2010 † (current name source)
Aishacrinidae Prokop, 2010 † (basis of record)
Akravidae Levy, 2007 (current name source)
Akravidae Levy, 2007 (basis of record)
Alavarommatidae Ortega-Blanco, Peñalver, Declòs & Engel, 2011 † (current name source)
Alavarommatidae Ortega-Blanco, Peñalver, Declòs & Engel, 2011 † (basis of record)
Alexarasniidae Gorochov, 2011 † (basis of record)
Alexarasniidae Gorochov, 2011 † (current name source)
Alexrasnitsyniidae Prokop & Nel, 2011 † (basis of record)
Alexrasnitsyniidae Prokop & Nel, 2011 † (current name source)
Aliculidae Storozhenko, 1997 † (current name source)
Aliculidae Storozhenko, 1997 † (basis of record)
Alphacrinidae Guensburg, 2010 † (current name source)
Alphacrinidae Guensburg, 2010 † (basis of record)
Alsasuacaridae van Bakel, Jagt, Fraaije & Artal, 2011 † (basis of record)
Americlidae Dzik, 2008 † (basis of record)
Ampheristocystidae Frest, 2005 † (basis of record)
Ampheristocystidae Frest, 2005 † (current name source)
Ampullacrinidae Webster, Maples, Sevastopulo, Frest & Waters, 2004 † (current name source)
Ampullacrinidae Webster, Maples, Sevastopulo, Frest & Waters, 2004 † (basis of record)
Anoecaceae Cavalier-Smith, 2006 accepted as Cafeteriidae Moestrup, 1995 (basis of record)
Anoecaceae Cavalier-Smith, 2006 accepted as Cafeteriidae Moestrup, 1995 (current name source)
Antichtopauropodidae Scheller, 2011 (basis of record)
Antichtopauropodidae Scheller, 2011 (current name source)
Antronestheriidae Chen & Hudson, 1991 † (current name source)
Antronestheriidae Chen & Hudson, 1991 † (basis of record)
Antygoporidae Maletz & Bruton, 2007 † (current name source)
Antygoporidae Maletz & Bruton, 2007 † (basis of record)
Apektocrinidae Guensburg & Sprinkle, 2009 † (basis of record)
Apektocrinidae Guensburg & Sprinkle, 2009 † (current name source)
Araripelibellulidae Bechly, 1996 † (current name source)
Araripelibellulidae Bechly, 1996 † (basis of record)
Archaeatropidae Baz & Ortuño, 2000 † accepted as Empheriidae Kolbe, 1884 (current name source)
Archaeatropidae Baz & Ortuño, 2000 † accepted as Empheriidae Kolbe, 1884 (basis of record)
Archaeoceratopsidae Dong & Azuma, 1997 † (current name source)
Archaeoceratopsidae Dong & Azuma, 1997 † (basis of record)
Archaeolamnidae Underwood & Cumbaa, 2010 † accepted as Pseudoscapanorhynchidae Herman, 1979 † (current name source)
Archaeolamnidae Underwood & Cumbaa, 2010 † accepted as Pseudoscapanorhynchidae Herman, 1979 † (basis of record)
Archetypomyidae Meng, Li, Ni, Wang & Beard, 2007 † (current name source)
Archetypomyidae Meng, Li, Ni, Wang & Beard, 2007 † (basis of record)
Arizaichthyidae Taverne, 2009 † (current name source)
Arizaichthyidae Taverne, 2009 † (basis of record)
Ascalochrysidae Ren & Makarkin, 2009 † (basis of record)
Ascalochrysidae Ren & Makarkin, 2009 † (current name source)
Aspiculumidae Won, Iams & Reed, 2005 † accepted as Aspiculidae Won, Iams & Reed, 2005 † (basis of record)
Astraeleniidae Sartenaer, 2009 † (basis of record)
Astraeleniidae Sartenaer, 2009 † (current name source)
Aulertupidae Zessin & Brauckmann, 2010 † (current name source)
Aulertupidae Zessin & Brauckmann, 2010 † (basis of record)
Aulochitonidae Pojeta, Vendrasco & Darrough, 2010 † (basis of record)
Aulochitonidae Pojeta, Vendrasco & Darrough, 2010 † (current name source)
Austroperilestidae Petrulevicius & Nel, 2005 † (current name source)
Austroperilestidae Petrulevicius & Nel, 2005 † (basis of record)
Aztecodontidae Hairapetian, Ginter & Yazdi, 2008 † (basis of record)
Aztecodontidae Hairapetian, Ginter & Yazdi, 2008 † (current name source)
Babidae Kluge, Godunko & Krzeminski, 2006 † (current name source)
Babidae Kluge, Godunko & Krzeminski, 2006 † (basis of record)
Bahiaxenidae Bravo, Pohl, Silva-Neto & Beutel, 2009 (basis of record)
Bahiaxenidae Bravo, Pohl, Silva-Neto & Beutel, 2009 (current name source)
Bakuellidae Yankovskij, 1979 (current name source)
Bakuellidae Yankovskij, 1979 (basis of record)
Baltsuccinidae Wunderlich, 2004 † (current name source)
Baltsuccinidae Wunderlich, 2004 † (basis of record)
Baryshnyalidae Ilger & Brauckmann, 2011 † (current name source)
Baryshnyalidae Ilger & Brauckmann, 2011 † (basis of record)
Bellodermatidae Zhao, Shih & Ren, 2010 † (basis of record)
Bellodermatidae Zhao, Shih & Ren, 2010 † (current name source)
Berendinellidae Guzhov, 2005 † (current name source)
Berendinellidae Guzhov, 2005 † (basis of record)
Bergeriellidae Liu, Shao, Gong, Li, Lin & Song, 2010 (basis of record)
Bergeriellidae Liu, Shao, Gong, Li, Lin & Song, 2010 (current name source)
Blabericolidae Clopton, 2009 (current name source)
Blabericolidae Clopton, 2009 (basis of record)
Bogambirolitidae Kim, 2006 † (current name source)
Bogambirolitidae Kim, 2006 † (basis of record)
Bolcacorduliidae Gentilini, 2002 † (basis of record)
Bolcacorduliidae Gentilini, 2002 † (current name source)
Bolcathoridae Gentilini, 2002 † (current name source)
Bolcathoridae Gentilini, 2002 † (basis of record)
Borokaceae Cavalier-Smith in Cavalier-Smith & Chao, 2006 accepted as Borokidae Cavalier-Smith, 2006 (basis of record)
Brankocleistostomidae Števčić, 2011 (basis of record)
Brankocleistostomidae Števčić, 2011 (current name source)
Brasilodontidae Bonaparte, Martinelli & Schultz, 2005 † (basis of record)
Brasilodontidae Bonaparte, Martinelli & Schultz, 2005 † (current name source)
Brazilobatidae Koçak & Kemal, 2008 (current name source)
Brazilobatidae Koçak & Kemal, 2008 (basis of record)
Burmanymphidae Poinar, 2009 † (basis of record)
Burmanymphidae Poinar, 2009 † (current name source)
Burmascutidae Wunderlich, 2008 † (current name source)
Burmascutidae Wunderlich, 2008 † (basis of record)

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