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Allsopp, P. G.; Schoolmeesters, P. (2024). All genera of the world: Subfamilies Dynastinae, Rutelinae and Cetoniinae (Animalia: Arthropoda: Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Megataxa. 12(1): 1-103.
10.11646/megataxa.12.1.1 [view]
Allsopp, P. G.; Schoolmeesters, P.
All genera of the world: Subfamilies Dynastinae, Rutelinae and Cetoniinae (Animalia: Arthropoda: Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
12(1): 1-103
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2024-09-07 01:47:32Z

Ablacopous Thomson, 1880 accepted as Aphanesthes Kraatz, 1880 (source of synonymy)
Ablacopus Schoch, 1895 accepted as Ablacopous Thomson, 1880 accepted as Aphanesthes Kraatz, 1880 (source of synonymy)
Acanthoprotaetia Miksic, 1987 accepted as Protaetia Burmeister, 1842 (source of synonymy)
Acanthovalgus Kraatz, 1895 (current name source)
Acanthurus Kirby, 1827 accepted as Valgus Scriba, 1790 (source of synonymy)
Aceratocrates Ohaus, 1910 accepted as Democrates Burmeister, 1847 (source of synonymy)
Aceratus Endrődi, 1969 (current name source)
Aceratus Prell, 1936 accepted as Aceratus Endrődi, 1969 (name verified source)
Acerus Burmeister, 1847 accepted as Aceratus Endrődi, 1969 (source of synonymy)
Acheilosis Ruter, 1969 accepted as Leucocelis Burmeister, 1842 (source of synonymy)
Achromisetes Kraatz, 1880 accepted as Discopeltis Burmeister, 1842 (source of synonymy)
Achromistes Schoch, 1894 accepted as Achromisetes Kraatz, 1880 accepted as Discopeltis Burmeister, 1842 (source of synonymy)
Acindrocephalus Keith & Delpont, 2004 accepted as Dicranocephalus Hope, 1831 accepted as Dicronocephalus Hope, 1831 (source of synonymy)
Aclinidia Casey, 1915 accepted as Cyclocephala Dejean, 1821 (verified source for family)
Acraspedon Arrow, 1899 (current name source)
Acrobolbia Ohaus, 1912 (current name source)
Acrothyrea Kraatz, 1882 (current name source)
Actinobolus Westwood, 1841 (current name source)
Actinolobus Burmeister, 1847 accepted as Actinobolus Westwood, 1841 (source of synonymy)
Adelaeus Ratcliffe, 2014 (current name source)
Adonides Thomson, 1880 accepted as Coptomia Burmeister, 1842 (source of synonymy)
Adoretosoma Blanchard, 1851 (current name source)
Adoretus Dejean, 1833 (current name source)
Adorodocia Brenske, 1893 (current name source)
Adoroleptus Brenske, 1893 (current name source)
Adorrhinyptia Arrow, 1917 (current name source)
Adoryphorus Blackburn, 1889 (current name source)
Aegeocephala Prell, 1934 accepted as Agaocephala LePeletier & Serville, 1828 (source of synonymy)
Aegocephala Allsopp & Schoolmeesters, 2024 accepted as Aegeocephala Prell, 1934 accepted as Agaocephala LePeletier & Serville, 1828 (original description)
Aegolasia Kolbe, 1907 accepted as Aulacopalpus Guérin-Méneville, 1838 (source of synonymy)
Aegopsis Burmeister, 1847 (current name source)
Aemilius Le Moult, 1939 accepted as Gymnetis Macleay, 1819 (source of synonymy)
Aequatoria Arrow, 1899 (current name source)
Aethiessa Burmeister, 1842 (current name source)
Agacephala Audinet-Serville, 1828 accepted as Agaocephala LePeletier & Serville, 1828 (source of synonymy)
Agaocephala LePeletier & Serville, 1828 (current name source)
Agenius Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 accepted as Campulipus Kirby, 1827 (source of synonymy)
Agestata Laporte, 1840 accepted as Agestrata Eschscholtz, 1829 (source of synonymy)
Agestrata Eschscholtz, 1829 (current name source)
Aglycoptera Sharp, 1885 accepted as Pelidnota Macleay, 1819 (source of synonymy)
Agnathocera Krikken, 1984 accepted as Anagnathocera Arrow, 1922 (source of synonymy)
Agnorimus Miyake & Iwase, 1991 (current name source)
Alamona Casey, 1915 accepted as Strigoderma Burmeister, 1844 (source of synonymy)
Albridarollia Bolívar y Pieltain, Jiménez-Asúa & Martínez, 1963 accepted as Cyclocephala Dejean, 1821 (verified source for family)
Alcidosoma Laporte de Castelnau, 1867 accepted as Eupatorus Burmeister, 1847 (source of synonymy)
Aleurostictus Kirby, 1827 accepted as Gnorimus Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 (source of synonymy)
Alissonotum Arrow, 1908 (current name source)
Allardiana Rigout, 1994 accepted as Bisallardiana Antoine, 2003 (source of synonymy)
Alleucosma Schenkling, 1921 (current name source)
Allomyrina Arrow, 1911 (current name source)
Allophileurinus Dupuis & Dechambre, 2001 (current name source)
Allorrhina Burmeister, 1842 (current name source)
Alvarengius Frey, 1975 accepted as Ottokelleria d'Andretta & Martínez, 1957 (source of synonymy)
Amaurina Kolbe, 1895 (current name source)
Amaurodes Westwood, 1844 (current name source)
Amauroleucocelis Bourgoin, 1913 accepted as Leucocelis Burmeister, 1842 (source of synonymy)
Amazula Kraatz, 1882 (current name source)
Amblochilus Blanchard, 1851 (current name source)
Amblomala Reitter, 1903 accepted as Mimela Kirby, 1823 (source of synonymy)
Amblyodus Westwood, 1878 (current name source)
Amblyoproctus Kolbe, 1910 (current name source)
Amblyphileurus Kolbe, 1910 accepted as Archophileurus Kolbe, 1910 (source of synonymy)
Amblyterus MacLeay, 1819 (current name source)
Amithao Thomson, 1878 (current name source)
Ammanisoplia Medvedev, 1949 accepted as Anisoplia Schönherr, 1817 (source of synonymy)
Ammogenia Semenov, 1895 accepted as Trigonocnemis Kraatz, 1894 (source of synonymy)
Amphistoros Gory & Percheron, 1833 accepted as Gnathocera Kirby, 1825 (source of synonymy)
Ampotis Dechambre & Madge, 1980 (current name source)
Anacamphtorrhina Krikken, 1984 accepted as Anacamptorrhina Blanchard, 1842 (source of synonymy)
Anacamptorrhina Blanchard, 1842 (current name source)
Anagnathocera Arrow, 1922 (current name source)
Anagrylius Casey, 1915 accepted as Ligyrus Burmeister, 1847 (source of synonymy)
Analleucosma Antoine, 1989 (current name source)
Anaplasta Burmeister, 1847 accepted as Aplasta Schaum, 1845 accepted as Tephraea Burmeister, 1842 (source of synonymy)
Anaspilus Kolbe, 1892 accepted as Cymophorus Kirby, 1827 (source of synonymy)
Anastrategus Casey, 1915 accepted as Strategus Kirby & Spence, 1828 (source of synonymy)
Anatista Brême, 1845 (current name source)
Anatochilus Péringuey, 1907 accepted as Coenochilus Schaum & Schaum in Germar, 1841 (source of synonymy)
Anatona Burmeister, 1842 (current name source)
Anatonochilus Péringuey, 1907 (current name source)
Anatonochilus Péringuet, 1907 accepted as Anatochilus Péringuey, 1907 accepted as Coenochilus Schaum & Schaum in Germar, 1841 (source of synonymy)
Anatrinodia Casey, 1915 accepted as Cremastocheilus Knoch, 1801 (source of synonymy)
Anatropis Casey, 1915 accepted as Euphoria Burmeister, 1842 (source of synonymy)
Anchiolus Gistl, 1848 accepted as Ottokelleria d'Andretta & Martínez, 1957 (source of synonymy)
Ancognatha Erichson, 1847 (current name source)
Anelaphinis Kolbe, 1892 (current name source)
Anepsiovalgus Kolbe, 1904 accepted as Dasyvalgus Kolbe, 1904 (source of synonymy)
Aneurhina De Palma, Takano, Léonard & Bouyer, 2021 accepted as Eudicella White, 1839 (source of synonymy)
Aneurystypus Blackburn, 1888 accepted as Teinogenys Sharp, 1873 (source of synonymy)
Anisonchus Dejean, 1833 accepted as Hoplopus Laporte, 1832 (source of synonymy)
Anisophileurus Prell, 1914 accepted as Archophileurus Kolbe, 1910 (source of synonymy)
Anisoplia Schönherr, 1817 (current name source)
Anisorhina Schaum, 1845 accepted as Anisorrhina Westwood, 1842 (source of synonymy)
Anisorrhina Westwood, 1842 (current name source)
Anochilia Burmeister, 1842 (current name source)
Anocoela Moser, 1914 (current name source)
Anodon Fairmaire, 1871 accepted as Paranodon Cockerell, 1905 (source of synonymy)
Anodontopopillia Ohaus, 1901 (current name source)
Anomacaulus Fairmaire, 1878 (current name source)
Anomala Samouelle, 1819 (current name source)
 Taxonomic remark

Péringuey published two different genera as "Anatonochilus" and even corrected the spelling for Anatochilus. To ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Although Harold, 1869 (Cat. Coleop., 4:1239) selected Hemicyrtus as the correct spelling, prevailing usage has ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Incorrect subsequent spelling in prevailing usage. [details]

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