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Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes (online version), 2008 version.
Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes (online version), 2008 version
2011-10-06 22:00:00Z
2021-11-13 18:24:06Z

Acanthicus Agassiz in Spix & Agassiz, 1829 (basis of record)
Acanthonotus Cuvier, 1800 accepted as Mystacoleucus Günther, 1868 (source of synonymy)
Accipenser accepted as Acipenser Linnaeus, 1758 (source of synonymy)
Acentronichthys Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889 (basis of record)
Acentronura australe Waite & Hale, 1921 accepted as Idiotropiscis australe (Waite & Hale, 1921) (source of synonymy)
Acentronura brevipercula Fraser-Brunner & Whitley, 1949 accepted as Acentronura breviperula Fraser-Brunner & Whitley, 1949 (source of synonymy)
Acentronura dendritica (Barbour, 1905) accepted as Amphelikturus dendriticus (Barbour, 1905) (source of synonymy)
Acentronura larsonae Dawson, 1984 accepted as Idiotropiscis larsonae (Dawson, 1984) (source of synonymy)
Achirus Lacepède, 1802 (basis of record)
Ageneiosus Lacepède, 1803 (basis of record)
Agonostoma Günther, 1861 accepted as Agonostomus Bennett, 1832 (basis of record)
Akysis Bleeker, 1858 (basis of record)
Albula Scopoli, 1777 (basis of record)
Albula Osbeck, 1765 accepted as Salanx Cuvier, 1816 (basis of record)
Alphestes Bloch & Schneider, 1801 (basis of record)
Amblodon Rafinesque, 1819 accepted as Ictiobus Rafinesque, 1820 (basis of record)
Amblyceps Blyth, 1858 (basis of record)
Amia Gronow in Gray, 1854 accepted as Apogon Lacepède, 1801 (basis of record)
Anacanthobatis von Bonde & Swart, 1923 (extant flag source)
Anacanthus Ehrenberg in Van der Hoeven, 1833 accepted as Urogymnus Müller & Henle, 1837 (basis of record)
Anacyrtus Günther, 1864 accepted as Charax Scopoli, 1777 (basis of record)
Anguilla Schrank, 1798 (basis of record)
Anodontoglanis Rendahl, 1922 accepted as Anodontiglanis Rendahl, 1922 (source of synonymy)
Aphareus Cuvier in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830 (basis of record)
Aphritis Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1832 accepted as Pseudaphritis Castelnau, 1872 (basis of record)
Apistus Cuvier in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829 (basis of record)
Aplocheilus McClelland, 1839 (basis of record)
Apodichthys Girard, 1854 (basis of record)
Apogon Lacepède, 1801 (basis of record)
Apogon cavitensis (Jordan & Seale, 1907) accepted as Apogon cavitiensis (Jordan & Seale, 1907) (source of synonymy)
Apogon cavitensis (Jordan & Seale, 1907) accepted as Apogon cavitiensis (Jordan & Seale, 1907) (basis of record)
Apolemichthys Fraser-Brunner, 1933 accepted as Apolemichthys Burton, 1934 (basis of record)
Apolemichthys Fraser-Brunner, 1933 accepted as Apolemichthys Burton, 1934 (source of synonymy)
Aprion Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830 (basis of record)
Aprion Müller & Henle, 1839 accepted as Carcharhinus Blainville, 1816 (basis of record)
Ariomma luridum Jordan & Snyder, 1904 (current name source)
Ariomma luridum Jordan & Snyder, 1904 (source of synonymy)
Bathyraja Ishyama & Hubbs, 1968 accepted as Bathyraja Ishiyama, 1958 (source of synonymy)
Bonaci accepted as Mycteroperca Gill, 1862 (source of synonymy)
Caesiosoma Kaup, 1863 (current name source)
Carassius Jarocki, 1822 (source of synonymy)
Cernua Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Cerna Bonaparte, 1833 accepted as Epinephelus Bloch, 1793 (source of synonymy)
Clupeonella Berg, 1913 accepted as Alosa Linck, 1790 (source of synonymy)
Coelorhinchus accepted as Coelorinchus Giorna, 1809 (source of synonymy)
Coelorhynchus accepted as Coelorinchus Giorna, 1809 (source of synonymy)
Coïus Hamilton, 1822 accepted as Anabas Cloquet, 1816 (source of synonymy)
Cuculus (source of synonymy)
Döderleinia Mayer, 1872 † accepted as Doderleinia Mayer, 1872 † (source of synonymy)
Doederleinia Mayer, 1872 † accepted as Doderleinia Mayer, 1872 † (source of synonymy)
Güntheria Bleeker, 1862 accepted as Halichoeres Rüppell, 1835 (source of synonymy)
Hexagrammus Günther, 1860 accepted as Hexagrammos Tilesius, 1810 (source of synonymy)
Hologymnos Anonymous, 1802 accepted as Hologymnosus Lacepède, 1801 (source of synonymy)
Julius Lafont, 1871 accepted as Coris Lacepède, 1801 (source of synonymy)
Julus Swainson, 1839 accepted as Coris Lacepède, 1801 (source of synonymy)
Leiodon Wood, 1846 accepted as Somniosus Lesueur, 1818 (basis of record)
Lhotskia Whitley, 1933 accepted as Tylosurus Cocco, 1833 (basis of record)
Lumpus Oken (ex Cuvier), 1817 accepted as Cyclopterus Linnaeus, 1758 (basis of record)
Maccullochella peeli (Mitchell, 1838) accepted as Maccullochella peelii (Mitchell, 1838) (source of synonymy)
Macrourus atlanticus Lowe, 1839 accepted as Caelorinchus caelorinchus (Risso, 1810) accepted as Coelorinchus caelorhincus (Risso, 1810) (source of synonymy)
Monoceros Bloch & Schneider, 1801 accepted as Naso Lacepède, 1801 (basis of record)
Mystus Hamilton, 1822 accepted as Chitala Fowler, 1934 (source of synonymy)
Nemacheilus strauchii (Kessler, 1874) accepted as Triplophysa strauchii (Kessler, 1874) (source of synonymy)
Nemachilus Günther, 1868 accepted as Nemacheilus Bleeker, 1863 (source of synonymy)
Nemachilus strauchi (Kessler, 1874) accepted as Triplophysa strauchii (Kessler, 1874) (source of synonymy)
Noemacheilus strauchii (Kessler, 1874) accepted as Triplophysa strauchii (Kessler, 1874) (source of synonymy)
Notocanthus Bloch, 1795 accepted as Notacanthus Bloch, 1788 (source of synonymy)
Odondostomus Cocco, 1838 accepted as Evermannella Fowler, 1901 (source of synonymy)
Odontostomus Cocco, 1838 accepted as Evermannella Fowler, 1901 (basis of record)
Opsarius Kner, 1865 accepted as Ochetobius Günther, 1868 (extant flag source)
Opsarius Kner, 1865 accepted as Ochetobius Günther, 1868 (source of synonymy)
Pelamys chilensis (Cuvier, 1832) accepted as Sarda chiliensis (Cuvier, 1832) (source of synonymy)
Pelamys lineolata Girard, 1858 accepted as Sarda chiliensis (Cuvier, 1832) (source of synonymy)
Pimelopterus Schinz in Schinz-Cuvier, 1822 accepted as Pimelepterus Lacepède, 1802 accepted as Kyphosus Lacepède, 1801 (source of synonymy)
Ruppelia Swainson, 1839 accepted as Paragobiodon Bleeker, 1873 (source of synonymy)
Ruppellia Castelnau, 1873 accepted as Paraplesiops Bleeker, 1875 (source of synonymy)
Rüppellia Weber & Beaufort, 1911 accepted as Paragobiodon Bleeker, 1873 (source of synonymy)
Scomberesox camperi Lacepède, 1803 accepted as Scomberesox saurus (Walbaum, 1792) (source of synonymy)
Scomberesox camperii Lacepède, 1803 accepted as Scomberesox saurus (Walbaum, 1792) (source of synonymy)
Scomberesox equirostrum Lesueur, 1821 accepted as Scomberesox saurus (Walbaum, 1792) (source of synonymy)
Scomberesox forsteri Valenciennes, 1846 accepted as Scomberesox saurus (Walbaum, 1792) (source of synonymy)
Scomberesox scutellatum Lesueur, 1821 accepted as Scomberesox saurus (Walbaum, 1792) (source of synonymy)
Scomberesox stolatus de Buen, 1959 accepted as Scomberesox saurus (Walbaum, 1792) (source of synonymy)
Scomberesox storeri Dekay, 1842 accepted as Scomberesox saurus (Walbaum, 1792) (source of synonymy)
Scombresox Duméril, 1805 accepted as Scomberesox Lacepède, 1803 (source of synonymy)
Scombresox forsteri Valenciennes, 1846 accepted as Scomberesox saurus (Walbaum, 1792) (source of synonymy)
Scombresox rondeleti Valenciennes, 1846 accepted as Scomberesox saurus (Walbaum, 1792) (source of synonymy)
Scombresox rondeletii Valenciennes, 1846 accepted as Scomberesox saurus (Walbaum, 1792) (source of synonymy)
Scombresox saurus (Walbaum, 1792) accepted as Scomberesox saurus (Walbaum, 1792) (source of synonymy)
Scombresox scombroides (Richardson, 1843) accepted as Scomberesox saurus (Walbaum, 1792) (source of synonymy)
Siphostoma dendriticum Barbour, 1905 accepted as Amphelikturus dendriticus (Barbour, 1905) (source of synonymy)
Solenognathus Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Solegnathus Swainson, 1839 (source of synonymy)
Sphaeroides Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Sphoeroides Anonymous [Lacepède], 1798 (source of synonymy)
Tetrasomus Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Tetrosomus Swainson, 1839 (source of synonymy)
Triurus Lacepède, 1800 (extant flag source)
Uropterygius insuetus (Whitley 1932) (habitat flag source)
Uropterygius insuetus (Whitley 1932) (basis of record)
Uropterygius insuetus (Whitley 1932) (current name source)
 Taxonomic remark

Listed as a new name in Nomenclator Zoologicus, but the cited work simply raises the previously established ... [details]

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