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Leucophenga Mik, 1886

1041524  (



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  1. Species Leucophenga academica Maca & Lin, 1993
  2. Species Leucophenga acutipennis Malloch, 1926
  3. Species Leucophenga acutipollinosa Okada, 1987
  4. Species Leucophenga africana Bachli, 1971
  5. Species Leucophenga albifascia Okada, 1966
  6. Species Leucophenga albofasciata (Macquart, 1851)
  7. Species Leucophenga ambigua Kahl, 1917
  8. Species Leucophenga angulata Singh & Dash, 1994
  9. Species Leucophenga angusta Okada, 1956
  10. Species Leucophenga argentata (De Meijere, 1914)
  11. Species Leucophenga argenteiventris Kahl, 1917
  12. Species Leucophenga argenteofasciata Kahl, 1917
  13. Species Leucophenga argentosa Okada, 1956
  14. Species Leucophenga atra Bachli, 1971
  15. Species Leucophenga atrinervis Okada, 1968
  16. Species Leucophenga atriventris Lin & Wheeler, 1972
  17. Species Leucophenga bella Curran, 1928
  18. Species Leucophenga bellula (Bergroth, 1894)
  19. Species Leucophenga bezzii Sturtevant, 1927
  20. Species Leucophenga bifasciata Duda, 1923
  21. Species Leucophenga bistriata Kahl, 1917
  22. Species Leucophenga bivirgata Bachli, 1971
  23. Species Leucophenga boninensis Wheeler & Takada, 1964
  24. Species Leucophenga brazilensis Malloch, 1924
  25. Species Leucophenga brunneipennis Kahl, 1917
  26. Species Leucophenga burlai Bachli, 1971
  27. Species Leucophenga buxtoni Duda, 1935
  28. Species Leucophenga caliginosa Bachli, 1971
  29. Species Leucophenga candida Bock, 1989
  30. Species Leucophenga capillata Bachli, 1971
  31. Species Leucophenga chaco Wheeler, 1968
  32. Species Leucophenga chaubattiaensis Fartyal & Singh, 2001
  33. Species Leucophenga clubiata Singh & Dash, 1994
  34. Species Leucophenga concilia Okada, 1956
  35. Species Leucophenga confluens Duda, 1923
  36. Species Leucophenga cooperensis Bock, 1979
  37. Species Leucophenga costata Okada, 1966
  38. Species Leucophenga cuneata Bachli, 1971
  39. Species Leucophenga curvipila Duda, 1939
  40. Species Leucophenga cuthbertsoni Malloch, 1929
  41. Species Leucophenga cyanorosa Bock, 1979
  42. Species Leucophenga denigrata Bachli, 1971
  43. Species Leucophenga dentata Bachli, 1971
  44. Species Leucophenga digmasoma Lin & Wheeler, 1972
  45. Species Leucophenga dilatata Bachli, 1971
  46. Species Leucophenga disjuncta Bachli, 1971
  47. Species Leucophenga domanda Bock, 1984
  48. Species Leucophenga dudai Bachli, 1971
  49. Species Leucophenga edwardsi Bachli, 1971
  50. Species Leucophenga elegans Duda, 1927
  51. Species Leucophenga fenchihuensis Okada, 1987
  52. Species Leucophenga fenestrata Duda, 1927
  53. Species Leucophenga flavicosta Duda, 1926
  54. Species Leucophenga flavohalterata Malloch, 1925
  55. Species Leucophenga flavopuncta Malloch, 1925
  56. Species Leucophenga formosa Okada, 1987
  57. Species Leucophenga fuscipennis Duda, 1923
  58. Species Leucophenga fuscorbitata Bachli, 1971
  59. Species Leucophenga gibbosa (De Meijere, 1914)
  60. Species Leucophenga goodi Kahl, 1917
  61. Species Leucophenga guro Burla, 1954
  62. Species Leucophenga guttata Wheeler, 1952
  63. Species Leucophenga hasemani Kahl, 1917
  64. Species Leucophenga helvetica Bachli, Vilela & Haring, 2002
  65. Species Leucophenga horea Tsacas & Chassagnard, 1991
  66. Species Leucophenga hungarica Papp, 2000
  67. Species Leucophenga imminuta Bachli, 1971
  68. Species Leucophenga incurvata Bachli, 1971
  69. Species Leucophenga interrupta Duda, 1924
  70. Species Leucophenga jacobsoni Duda, 1926
  71. Species Leucophenga janicae Bock, 1979
  72. Species Leucophenga japonica Sidorenko, 1991
  73. Species Leucophenga kilembensis Bachli, 1971
  74. Species Leucophenga kumaonensis Fartyal & Singh, 2001
  75. Species Leucophenga kurahashii Okada, 1987
  76. Species Leucophenga lacteusa Takada & Wakahama, 1967
  77. Species Leucophenga latecincta Duda, 1939
  78. Species Leucophenga latevittata Duda, 1939
  79. Species Leucophenga latifrons Duda, 1923
  80. Species Leucophenga lubrica Bock, 1979
  81. Species Leucophenga lynettae Bock, 1984
  82. Species Leucophenga magnipalpis Duda, 1923
  83. Species Leucophenga magnornata Bachli, 1971
  84. Species Leucophenga meijerei Duda, 1924
  85. Species Leucophenga melanogaster Tsacas & Chassagnard, 1991
  86. Species Leucophenga meredithiana Okada, 1987
  87. Species Leucophenga montana Wheeler, 1952
  88. Species Leucophenga munroi Duda, 1939
  89. Species Leucophenga nainae Fartyal & Singh, 2001
  90. Species Leucophenga neoangusta Godbole & Vaidya, 1976
  91. Species Leucophenga neointerrupta Fartyal & Singh, 2001
  92. Species Leucophenga neolacteusa Singh & Bhatt, 1988
  93. Species Leucophenga neopalpalis Bachli, 1971
  94. Species Leucophenga neovaria Wheeler, 1960
  95. Species Leucophenga neovittata Bachli, 1971
  96. Species Leucophenga nigriceps Okada, 1966
  97. Species Leucophenga nigrinervis Duda, 1924
  98. Species Leucophenga nigripalpalis Tsacas & Chassagnard, 1991
  99. Species Leucophenga nigripalpis Duda, 1923
  100. Species Leucophenga nigrorbitata Bachli, 1971
  101. Species Leucophenga nigroscutellata Duda, 1924
  102. Species Leucophenga oedipus Seguy, 1938
  103. Species Leucophenga okhalkandensis Singh & Dash, 1994
  104. Species Leucophenga orientalis Lin & Wheeler, 1972
  105. Species Leucophenga ornata Wheeler, 1959
  106. Species Leucophenga ornativentris Kahl, 1917
  107. Species Leucophenga pacifica Bock, 1986
  108. Species Leucophenga paludicola Patterson & Mainland, 1944
  109. Species Leucophenga papuana Okada, 1987
  110. Species Leucophenga paracapillata Bachli, 1971
  111. Species Leucophenga paracuthbertsoni Bachli, 1971
  112. Species Leucophenga paraflaviseta Bachli, 1971
  113. Species Leucophenga patternella Bock, 1979
  114. Species Leucophenga pectinata Okada, 1968
  115. Species Leucophenga pentapunctata Panigrahy & Gupta, 1982
  116. Species Leucophenga perargentata Bachli, 1971
  117. Species Leucophenga philippinensis Sidorenko, 1998
  118. Species Leucophenga pleurovirgata Bachli, 1971
  119. Species Leucophenga poeciliventris Malloch, 1923
  120. Species Leucophenga ponapensis Wheeler & Takada, 1964
  121. Species Leucophenga pulcherrima Patterson & Mainland, 1944
  122. Species Leucophenga quadripunctata (De Meijere, 1908)
  123. Species Leucophenga quinquemaculata Strobl, 1893
  124. Species Leucophenga quinquemaculipennis Okada, 1956
  125. Species Leucophenga rectinervis Okada, 1966
  126. Species Leucophenga regina Malloch, 1935
  127. Species Leucophenga repletoides Bachli, 1971
  128. Species Leucophenga rimbickana Singh & Gupta, 1981
  129. Species Leucophenga saigusai Okada, 1968
  130. Species Leucophenga samoaensis Harrison, 1954
  131. Species Leucophenga schnuseana Duda, 1927
  132. Species Leucophenga sculpta Chen & Toda, 1994
  133. Species Leucophenga scutellata Malloch, 1923
  134. Species Leucophenga sema Burla, 1954
  135. Species Leucophenga semicapillata Bachli, 1971
  136. Species Leucophenga semiplumata Duda, 1939
  137. Species Leucophenga serrata Bachli, 1971
  138. Species Leucophenga setipalpis Duda, 1923
  139. Species Leucophenga shillogensis Dwivedi & Gupta, 1979
  140. Species Leucophenga shillongensis Dwivedi & Gupta, 1979
  141. Species Leucophenga sierraleonica Bachli, 1971
  142. Species Leucophenga singhi Fartyal & Singh, 2001
  143. Species Leucophenga sordida Duda, 1923
  144. Species Leucophenga spilossoma Lin & Wheeler, 1972
  145. Species Leucophenga spinifera Okada, 1987
  146. Species Leucophenga stackelbergi Duda, 1934
  147. Species Leucophenga stenomaculipennis Okada, 1968
  148. Species Leucophenga stigma Bock, 1979
  149. Species Leucophenga striata Bock, 1971
  150. Species Leucophenga striatipennis Okada, 1989
  151. Species Leucophenga subacutipennis Duda, 1924
  152. Species Leucophenga subpollinosa (De Meijere, 1914)
  153. Species Leucophenga subvirgata Bachli, 1971
  154. Species Leucophenga subvittata Duda, 1939
  155. Species Leucophenga suzukii Matsumura, 1931
  156. Species Leucophenga taiwanensis Lin & Wheeler, 1972
  157. Species Leucophenga tectifrons Meijere, 1914
  158. Species Leucophenga tenebrosa Bachli, 1971
  159. Species Leucophenga tenuipalpis Takada & Momma, 1975
  160. Species Leucophenga todai Sidorenko, 1991
  161. Species Leucophenga tripunctipennis Malloch, 1926
  162. Species Leucophenga trisphenata Wheeler, 1952
  163. Species Leucophenga tritaeniata Duda, 1923
  164. Species Leucophenga trivittata Okada, 1991
  165. Species Leucophenga umbratula Duda, 1924
  166. Species Leucophenga umbrosa Bachli, 1971
  167. Species Leucophenga unifasciventris Malloch, 1926
  168. Species Leucophenga varinervis Duda, 1923
  169. Species Leucophenga violae Bock, 1979
  170. Species Leucophenga wauensis Okada, 1989
  171. Species Leucophenga xanthobasis Curran, 1936
  172. Species Leucophenga zebra Bock, 1979
  173. Species Leucophenga atkinsoni Miller, 1921 accepted as Drosophila funebris (Fabricius, 1787)
  174. Species Leucophenga conjuncta Duda, 1929 accepted as Leucophenga chaco Wheeler, 1968
  175. Species Leucophenga conjuncta Malloch, 1924 accepted as Leucophenga scutellata Malloch, 1923
  176. Species Leucophenga guttiventris De Meijere, 1908 accepted as Leucophenga bellula (Bergroth, 1894)
  177. Species Leucophenga halteropunctata Duda, 1924 accepted as Leucophenga argentata (De Meijere, 1914)
  178. Species Leucophenga leucozona Duda, 1923 accepted as Leucophenga albofasciata (Macquart, 1851)
  179. Species Leucophenga meijerea Duda, 1924 accepted as Leucophenga meijerei Duda, 1924
  180. Species Leucophenga niveifasciata Malloch, 1923 accepted as Leucophenga albofasciata (Macquart, 1851)
  181. Species Leucophenga polita Malloch, 1923 accepted as Leucophenga albofasciata (Macquart, 1851)
  182. Species Leucophenga yaure Burla, 1954 accepted as Leucophenga goodi Kahl, 1917
marine, brackish
recent only
Wien. Ent. Ztg., 5
page(s): 317 [details] 
IRMNG (2021). Leucophenga Mik, 1886. Accessed at: on 2025-01-05
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

original description Wien. Ent. Ztg., 5
page(s): 317 [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

basis of record Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

extant flag source Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 

original description (of Paraleucophenga Oldenberg, 1914) Arch. Naturgesch., 80, A2, 18
page(s): 41 [details] 

original description (of Neoleucophenga Oldenberg, 1915) Arch. Naturgesch., 80, A9
page(s): 93 [details] 

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