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Chromatiaceae Bavendamm, 1924 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Imhoff, 1984

108706  (

Thiocapsaceae · unaccepted


  • Alphabetically
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  1. Genus Allochromatium Imhoff, Suling & Petri, 1998
  2. Genus Amoebobacter Winogradsky, 1888 (Approved Lists, 1980)
  3. Genus Arsukibacterium Schmidt et al., 2016
  4. Genus Chromatium Perty, 1852 (Approved Lists, 1980)
  5. Genus Halochromatium Imhoff, Suling & Petri, 1998
  6. Genus Imhoffiella Nupur et al., 2017
  7. Genus Isochromatium Imhoff et al., 1998
  8. Genus Lamprobacter Gorlenko et al., 1988
  9. Genus Lamprocystis Schröter, 1886 (Approved Lists, 1980)
  10. Genus Marichromatium Imhoff et al., 1998
  11. Genus Nitrosococcus Winogradsky, 1892 (Approved Lists, 1980)
  12. Genus Pfennigia Tindall, 1999
  13. Genus Phaeobacterium Nupur et al., 2015
  14. Genus Phaeochromatium Shivali et al., 2012
  15. Genus Rhabdochromatium (ex Winogradsky, 1888) Dilling, Liesack & Pfenig, 1996
  16. Genus Rheinheimera Brettar, Christen & Hofle, 2002
  17. Genus Thermochromatium Imhoff et al., 1998
  18. Genus Thioalkalicoccus Bryantseva et al., 2000
  19. Genus Thiobaca Rees et al., 2002
  20. Genus Thiocapsa Winogradsky, 1888 (Approved Lists, 1980)
  21. Genus Thiococcus Imhoff et al., 1998
  22. Genus Thiocystis Winogradsky, 1888 (Approved Lists, 1980)
  23. Genus Thiodictyon Winogradsky, 1888 (Approved Lists, 1980)
  24. Genus Thioflavicoccus Imhoff & Pfennig, 2001
  25. Genus Thiohalocapsa Imhoff et al., 1998
  26. Genus Thiolamprovum Guyoneaud et al., 1998
  27. Genus Thiopedia Winogradsky, 1888 (Approved Lists, 1980)
  28. Genus Thiophaeococcus Anil Kumar et al., 2008
  29. Genus Thiorhodococcus Guyoneaud et al., 1998
  30. Genus Thiorhodovibrio Overmann, Fischer & Pfennig, 1993
  31. Genus Thiospirillum Winogradsky, 1888 (Approved Lists, 1980)
  32. Genus Cohnia Winter, 1884 accepted as Lamprocystis Schröter, 1886 (Approved Lists, 1980)
  33. Genus Erythroconis A.S. Ørsted, 1842 accepted as Thiopedia Winogradsky, 1888 (Approved Lists, 1980)
  34. Genus Mantegazzea (No current standing in Prokaryotic nomenclature.)
  35. Genus Rhabdomonas Cohn, 1875 (No current standing in Prokaryotic nomenclature.)
  36. Genus Rhododictyon Orla-Jensen, 1909 accepted as Thiodictyon Winogradsky, 1888 (Approved Lists, 1980) (No current standing in Prokaryotic nomenclature.)
  37. Genus Thiosarcina Winogradsky, 1888 (No current standing in Prokaryotic nomenclature.)
  38. Genus Thiosphaera Miyoshi, 1897 accepted as Thiocystis Winogradsky, 1888 (Approved Lists, 1980) (No current standing in Prokaryotic nomenclature)
  39. Genus Thiothece Winogradsky, 1888 accepted as Thiocystis Winogradsky, 1888 (Approved Lists, 1980)
marine, fresh
recent only
Not documented
IRMNG (2025). Chromatiaceae Bavendamm, 1924 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Imhoff, 1984. Accessed at: on 2025-03-26
2006-09-19 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2019-01-18 18:27:11Z

basis of record Parker, S.P. (ed). (1982). Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw-Hill, New York. 2 volumes. [details] 

additional source Parte, A. C. List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN), July 2018 version. , available online at [details] 

taxonomy source Parte, A. C. List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN), July 2018 version. , available online at [details] 

current name source Parte, A. C. List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN), July 2018 version. , available online at [details] 

extant flag source Parker, S.P. (ed). (1982). Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw-Hill, New York. 2 volumes. [details] 
Classification Prokaryotae (Superkingdom) > Bacteria (Kingdom) > Proteobacteria (Phylum) > Gammaproteobacteria (Class) > Chromatiales (Order) > Chromatiaceae (Family) [details]

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