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Gehyra Gray, 1834

1096502  (

Gehira · unaccepted
Gehyla Okada, 1938 · unaccepted
Pepopus Okada, 1936 · unaccepted
Peroplus Gray, 1842 · unaccepted


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  1. Species Gehyra angusticaudata Taylor, 1963
  2. Species Gehyra australis Gray, 1845
  3. Species Gehyra baliola Duméril, 1851
  4. Species Gehyra barea Kopstein, 1926
  5. Species Gehyra borroloola King, 1984
  6. Species Gehyra brevipalmata Peters, 1874
  7. Species Gehyra butleri Boulenger, 1900
  8. Species Gehyra catenata Low, 1979
  9. Species Gehyra dubia Macleay, 1877
  10. Species Gehyra fehlmanni Taylor, 1962
  11. Species Gehyra fenestra Mitchell, 1965
  12. Species Gehyra intermedia Brown, 1902
  13. Species Gehyra interstitialis Oudemans in Semon, 1894
  14. Species Gehyra kimberleyi Börner & Schüttler, 1982
  15. Species Gehyra koira Horner, 2005
  16. Species Gehyra lacerata Taylor, 1962
  17. Species Gehyra lampei Andersson, 1913
  18. Species Gehyra leopoldi Brongersma, 1930
  19. Species Gehyra lugubris (Duméril & Bibron, 1836)
  20. Species Gehyra marginata Boulenger, 1887
  21. Species Gehyra membranacruralis King & Horner, 1989
  22. Species Gehyra minuta Mitchell, 1982
  23. Species Gehyra montium Mitchell, 1982
  24. Species Gehyra mutilata Wiegmann, 1834
  25. Species Gehyra nana Storr, 1978
  26. Species Gehyra occidentalis King, 1984
  27. Species Gehyra oceanica Lesson, 1830
  28. Species Gehyra pamela King, 1982
  29. Species Gehyra papuana Meyer, 1874
  30. Species Gehyra pilbara Mitchell, 1965
  31. Species Gehyra punctata Fry, 1914
  32. Species Gehyra purpurascens Storr, 1982
  33. Species Gehyra robusta King, 1984
  34. Species Gehyra variegata Duméril & Bibron, 1836
  35. Species Gehyra vorax Girard, 1858
  36. Species Gehyra xenopus Storr, 1978
  37. Species Gehyra gularis Gray, 1842 accepted as Gehyra oceanica Lesson, 1830 (unaccepted > nomen nudum)
  38. Species Gehyra australis King, 1983 accepted as Gehyra occidentalis King, 1984
  39. Species Gehyra australis Peters & Doria, 1878? accepted as Gehyra dubia Macleay, 1877
  40. Species Gehyra beebei de Rooij, 1915 accepted as Gehyra mutilata Wiegmann, 1834
  41. Species Gehyra brevicaudis Boulenger, 1885 accepted as Gehyra baliola Duméril, 1851
  42. Species Gehyra cognata Börner & Schüttler, 1982 accepted as Gehyra pilbara Mitchell, 1965
  43. Species Gehyra cognatus King, 1984 accepted as Gehyra pilbara Mitchell, 1965
  44. Species Gehyra fischeri Strauch, 1887 accepted as Gehyra marginata Boulenger, 1887
  45. Species Gehyra grayi Günther, 1875 accepted as Gehyra australis Gray, 1845
  46. Species Gehyra grayi Börner & Schüttler, 1982 accepted as Gehyra dubia Macleay, 1877
  47. Species Gehyra harrieti Wells & Wellington, 1985 accepted as Gehyra mutilata Wiegmann, 1834
  48. Species Gehyra insulanus Underwood, 1954 accepted as Gehyra mutilata Wiegmann, 1834
  49. Species Gehyra insulensis Boulenger, 1885 accepted as Gehyra mutilata Wiegmann, 1834
  50. Species Gehyra iogasawarasinae Kuhn & Schmidt, 2003 accepted as Gehyra variegata Duméril & Bibron, 1836
  51. Species Gehyra laceratus Bobrov, 1995 accepted as Gehyra lacerata Taylor, 1962
  52. Species Gehyra larutensis Boulenger, 1900 accepted as Hemiphyllodactylus larutensis Boulenger, 1900
  53. Species Gehyra longicauda Boulenger, 1885 accepted as Gehyra dubia Macleay, 1877
  54. Species Gehyra marmorata Boulenger, 1885 accepted as Gehyra baliola Duméril, 1851
  55. Species Gehyra mugtilata Pernetta & Burgin, 1980 accepted as Gehyra mutilata Wiegmann, 1834
  56. Species Gehyra mutila Köhler, 2000 accepted as Gehyra mutilata Wiegmann, 1834
  57. Species Gehyra neglecta Boulenger, 1885 accepted as Lepidodactylus lugubris Duméril & Bibron, 1836
  58. Species Gehyra oceania Brown, 1956 accepted as Gehyra oceanica Lesson, 1830
  59. Species Gehyra oceanica Peters & Doria, 1878 accepted as Gehyra papuana Meyer, 1874
  60. Species Gehyra oceanica Whitaker et al., 1982 accepted as Gehyra baliola Duméril, 1851
  61. Species Gehyra oceanica de Rooij, 1915 accepted as Gehyra membranacruralis King & Horner, 1989
  62. Species Gehyra oceanica Girard, 1858 accepted as Hoplodactylus pacificus Gray, 1842
  63. Species Gehyra oceanica de Rooij, 1915 accepted as Gehyra vorax Girard, 1858
  64. Species Gehyra ogasawarasimae Wermuth, 1965 accepted as Lepidodactylus lugubris Duméril & Bibron, 1836
  65. Species Gehyra ogasawarisimae Wermuth, 1965 accepted as Gehyra variegata Duméril & Bibron, 1836
  66. Species Gehyra pacifica Mertens, 1934 accepted as Hoplodactylus maculatus Gray, 1845
  67. Species Gehyra pacifica Gray, 1834 accepted as Gehyra oceanica Lesson, 1830
  68. Species Gehyra packardii Wells & Wellington, 1985 accepted as Gehyra mutilata Wiegmann, 1834
  69. Species Gehyra papuana Brongersma, 1934 accepted as Gehyra lampei Andersson, 1913
  70. Species Gehyra pilbara Börner & Schüttler, 1983 accepted as Gehyra purpurascens Storr, 1982
  71. Species Gehyra platyurua Deraniyagala, 1953 accepted as Cosymbotus platyurus Schneider, 1792
  72. Species Gehyra punctata Börner & Schüttler, 1982 accepted as Gehyra kimberleyi Börner & Schüttler, 1982
  73. Species Gehyra punctata Mitchell, 1965 accepted as Gehyra montium Mitchell, 1982
  74. Species Gehyra punctata King, 1979 accepted as Gehyra nana Storr, 1978
  75. Species Gehyra punctata Cogger, 1975 accepted as Gehyra pamela King, 1982
  76. Species Gehyra punctata Mitchell, 1965 accepted as Gehyra minuta Mitchell, 1982
  77. Species Gehyra torresiana Wells & Wellington, 1985 accepted as Gehyra baliola Duméril, 1851
  78. Species Gehyra torresiana [Günther], 1877 accepted as Gehyra dubia Macleay, 1877
  79. Species Gehyra variegata Boulenger, 1885 accepted as Gehyra baliola Duméril, 1851
  80. Species Gehyra variegata Lucas & Frost, 1896 accepted as Gehyra punctata Fry, 1914
  81. Species Gehyra variegata Kluge, 1991? accepted as Lepidodactylus pusillus Cope, 1869
  82. Species Gehyra variegatus Peters & Doria, 1878? accepted as Gehyra dubia Macleay, 1877
  83. Species Gehyra vorax de Rooij, 1915? accepted as Gehyra membranacruralis King & Horner, 1989
  84. Species Gehyra yunnanensis Boulenger, 1903 accepted as Hemiphyllodactylus yunnanensis Boulenger, 1903
marine, brackish
recent only
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 2
page(s): 100 [details] 
IRMNG (2024). Gehyra Gray, 1834. Accessed at: on 2025-03-28
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

original description Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 2
page(s): 100 [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

basis of record SN2000/Uetz, 1995- [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

extant flag source SN2000/Uetz, 1995- [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 

original description (of Spasmocnemis Dugès, 1883) La Naturaleza, 6
page(s): 312 [details] 

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