IRMNG name details
Descriptive info Dispersed cuticle; Middle Miocene; Sedlitz, Niederlausitz, D.D.R. (Index Nominum Genericorum) [details]
Taxonomic remark Published in Paläontol. Abh., Abt. B, Paläobot. 3: 76. Feb 1969; type species is V. iugata G. Roselt et W. Schneider. Nomenclaturally, this is a separate published name from Virgimparicutis G. Roselt & W. Schneider in W. Schneider, 1969, Freiberger Forschungshefte C 222: 54. 13 Jan 1969, however they were intended to be the same taxon concept; since the latter is a synonym of Palaquiophyllum H. Weyland & K. Kilpper 1963, the same applies to this name unless subsequent workers distinguish the two (different) type species as deserving of genus-level separation, which might be the case since V. iugata (type of this genus) was compared with Brassicaceae, cf. Palaquiophyllum compared with Sapotaceae. [details]