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Limnophyes Eaton, 1875

1291761  (



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  1. Species Limnophyes aagaardi Sæther, 1991
  2. Species Limnophyes acutus Goetghebuer, 1932
  3. Species Limnophyes akangularius Sasa & Kamimura, 1987
  4. Species Limnophyes akannonus Sasa & Kamimura, 1987
  5. Species Limnophyes akanundecimus Sasa & Kamimura, 1987
  6. Species Limnophyes albibasis Freeman, 1961
  7. Species Limnophyes algerina Marcuzzi, 1950
  8. Species Limnophyes alpicola Goetghebuer, 1941
  9. Species Limnophyes anderseni Sæther, 1991
  10. Species Limnophyes angelicae Sæther, 1991
  11. Species Limnophyes asamanonus Sasa & Hirabayashi, 1993
  12. Species Limnophyes asquamatus Sæther, 1975
  13. Species Limnophyes bequarti Goetghebuer, 1939
  14. Species Limnophyes bidumus Sæther, 1990
  15. Species Limnophyes bipunctatus Goetghebuer, 1941
  16. Species Limnophyes biverticillatus Remmert, 1955
  17. Species Limnophyes borealis Goetghebuer, 1933
  18. Species Limnophyes brevicorpis Chaudhuri, 1987
  19. Species Limnophyes brevis Goetghebuer, 1934
  20. Species Limnophyes brevis Chaudhuri, Sinharay & Gupta, 1979
  21. Species Limnophyes bubo Sæther, 1991
  22. Species Limnophyes bullus Wang & Sæther, 1993
  23. Species Limnophyes carolinensis Sæther, 1975
  24. Species Limnophyes coloradensis Sæther, 1975
  25. Species Limnophyes cranstoni Sæther, 1991
  26. Species Limnophyes curticornis Goetghebuer, 1938
  27. Species Limnophyes difficilis Brundin, 1947
  28. Species Limnophyes distinctigenitalis Chaudhuri, Sinharay & Gupta, 1979
  29. Species Limnophyes distylus Kieffer, 1921
  30. Species Limnophyes doughmani Sæther, 1990
  31. Species Limnophyes dystrophilus Chernovskij, 1949
  32. Species Limnophyes edwardsi Sæther, 1991
  33. Species Limnophyes er Sæther, 1984
  34. Species Limnophyes falaenensis Goetghebuer, 1932
  35. Species Limnophyes flavus Chaudhuri, Sinharay & Gupta, 1979
  36. Species Limnophyes franzi Goetghebuer, 1949
  37. Species Limnophyes fujidecimus Sasa, 1985
  38. Species Limnophyes fujionus Sasa, 1985
  39. Species Limnophyes fuscimarginalis Chaudhuri, Sinharay & Gupta, 1979
  40. Species Limnophyes gelasinus Sæther, 1991
  41. Species Limnophyes groenlandiensis Anderson, 1937
  42. Species Limnophyes guatemalensis Sublette & Sasa, 1994
  43. Species Limnophyes hamiltoni Sæther, 1969
  44. Species Limnophyes hastulatus Sæther, 1975
  45. Species Limnophyes hidakafegeus Sasa & Suzuki, 2000
  46. Species Limnophyes ikikeleus Sasa & Suzuki, 1999
  47. Species Limnophyes ikilemeus Sasa & Suzuki, 1999
  48. Species Limnophyes ikimeneus Sasa & Suzuki, 1999
  49. Species Limnophyes immucronatus Sæther, 1969
  50. Species Limnophyes inanispatina Langton & Moubayed, 2001
  51. Species Limnophyes interruptus Goetghebuer, 1938
  52. Species Limnophyes iriopequesus Sasa & Suzuki, 2000
  53. Species Limnophyes isigafegeus Sasa & Suzuki, 2000
  54. Species Limnophyes italicola Fittkau, 1967
  55. Species Limnophyes italicus Marcuzzi, 1949
  56. Species Limnophyes jemtlandicus Brundin, 1947
  57. Species Limnophyes jokaoctavus Sasa & Ogata, 1999
  58. Species Limnophyes kaminovus Sasa & Hirabayashi, 1993
  59. Species Limnophyes kamiovatus Sasa & Hirabayashi, 1993
  60. Species Limnophyes lapponicus Goetghebuer, 1939
  61. Species Limnophyes lindneri Goetghebuer, 1934
  62. Species Limnophyes lobiscus Sæther, 1991
  63. Species Limnophyes madeirae Sæther, 1991
  64. Species Limnophyes magnus Chaudhuri, Sinharay & Gupta, 1979
  65. Species Limnophyes margaretae Sæther, 1975
  66. Species Limnophyes mariae Sublette & Sasa, 1994
  67. Species Limnophyes mediocris Chaudhuri, Sinharay & Gupta, 1979
  68. Species Limnophyes mimutulus Goetghebuer & Lenz, 1944
  69. Species Limnophyes montanus Goetghebuer, 1932
  70. Species Limnophyes montanus Chaudhuri, Sinharay & Gupta, 1979
  71. Species Limnophyes nigripes Chaudhuri, 1987
  72. Species Limnophyes ninae Sæther, 1975
  73. Species Limnophyes opimus Wang & Sæther, 1993
  74. Species Limnophyes orbicristatus Wang & Sæther, 1993
  75. Species Limnophyes palleocestus Wang & Sæther, 1993
  76. Species Limnophyes paludis Armitage, 1985
  77. Species Limnophyes pilicistulus Sæther, 1975
  78. Species Limnophyes prolatus Sæther, 1991
  79. Species Limnophyes pseudoprolongatus Botnariuc, 1954
  80. Species Limnophyes puncticellus Chaudhuri, Sinharay & Gupta, 1979
  81. Species Limnophyes pusillus Eaton, 1875
  82. Species Limnophyes recisus Sæther, 1975
  83. Species Limnophyes roquehautensis Langton & Moubayed, 2001
  84. Species Limnophyes saetheri Chaudhuri, Sinharay & Gupta, 1979
  85. Species Limnophyes scalpellatus Brundin, 1947
  86. Species Limnophyes schnelli Sæther, 1991
  87. Species Limnophyes seiryuijeus Sasa, Suzuki & Sakai, 1998
  88. Species Limnophyes septentrionalis Chernovskij, 1949
  89. Species Limnophyes septentrionalis Goetghebuer, 1940
  90. Species Limnophyes smolandicus Brundin, 1947
  91. Species Limnophyes sokolovae Zelentsov, 1997
  92. Species Limnophyes spinigus Sæther, 1991
  93. Species Limnophyes spinosa Freeman, 1953
  94. Species Limnophyes sylvicola Goetghebuer, 1939
  95. Species Limnophyes tamakireides Sasa, 1983
  96. Species Limnophyes tamakitanaides Sasa, 1981
  97. Species Limnophyes tamakiyoides Sasa, 1983
  98. Species Limnophyes timoni Goetghebuer, 1937
  99. Species Limnophyes torulus Sæther, 1991
  100. Species Limnophyes trigonus Goetghebuer, 1950
  101. Species Limnophyes truncorum Goetghebuer, 1921
  102. Species Limnophyes uniformis Chaudhuri, Sinharay & Gupta, 1979
  103. Species Limnophyes vernalis Brundin, 1947
  104. Species Limnophyes verpus Wang & Sæther, 1993
  105. Species Limnophyes vestitus (Skuse, 1889)
  106. Species Limnophyes virgo Remmert, 1955
  107. Species Limnophyes yakyabeus Sasa & Suzuki, 2000
  108. Species Limnophyes yakybeceus Sasa & Suzuki, 2000
  109. Species Limnophyes yakycedeus Sasa & Suzuki, 2000
  110. Species Limnophyes yakydeeus Sasa & Suzuki, 2000
  111. Species Limnophyes yakyefeus Sasa & Suzuki, 2000
  112. Species Limnophyes hudsoni Sæther, 1975 accepted as Limnophyes immucronatus Sæther, 1969
  113. Species Limnophyes nudiradius Sæther, 1975 accepted as Limnophyes immucronatus Sæther, 1969
  114. Species Limnophyes spatulosus Sæther, 1975 accepted as Limnophyes borealis Goetghebuer, 1933
marine, brackish
recent only
Ent. mon. Mag., 12
page(s): 60 [details] 
IRMNG (2024). Limnophyes Eaton, 1875. Accessed at: on 2024-12-09
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

original description Ent. mon. Mag., 12
page(s): 60 [details] 

basis of record Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

extant flag source Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

habitat flag source as per family (nonmarine except where stated) [details] 

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