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Sphaerodactylus Wagler, 1830

1302438  (

Sphaerodactylas · unaccepted
Sphaerodactylits · unaccepted
Sphaerodactytus · unaccepted
Sphariodactylus · unaccepted
Spiraerodactylus · unaccepted
Splaerodactylus · unaccepted
Spliacrodactylus · unaccepted


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  1. Species Sphaerodactylus altavelensis Noble & Hassler, 1933
  2. Species Sphaerodactylus argivus Garman, 1888
  3. Species Sphaerodactylus argus Gosse, 1850
  4. Species Sphaerodactylus ariasae Hedges & Thomas, 2001
  5. Species Sphaerodactylus armasi Schwartz & Garrido, 1974
  6. Species Sphaerodactylus armstrongi Noble & Hassler, 1933
  7. Species Sphaerodactylus asterulus Schwartz & Graham, 1980
  8. Species Sphaerodactylus beattyi Grant, 1937
  9. Species Sphaerodactylus becki Schmidt, 1919
  10. Species Sphaerodactylus bromeliarum Peters & Schwartz, 1977
  11. Species Sphaerodactylus caicosensis Cochran, 1934
  12. Species Sphaerodactylus callocricus Schwartz, 1976
  13. Species Sphaerodactylus celicara Garrido & Schwartz, 1982
  14. Species Sphaerodactylus cinereus Wagler, 1830
  15. Species Sphaerodactylus clenchi Shreve, 1968
  16. Species Sphaerodactylus cochranae Ruibal, 1946
  17. Species Sphaerodactylus copei Steindachner, 1867
  18. Species Sphaerodactylus corticola Garman, 1888
  19. Species Sphaerodactylus cricoderus Thomas, Hedges & Garrido, 1992
  20. Species Sphaerodactylus cryphius Thomas & Schwartz, 1977
  21. Species Sphaerodactylus darlingtoni Shreve, 1968
  22. Species Sphaerodactylus difficilis Barbour, 1914
  23. Species Sphaerodactylus docimus Schwartz & Garrido, 1985
  24. Species Sphaerodactylus dunni Schmidt, 1936
  25. Species Sphaerodactylus elasmorhynchus Thomas, 1966
  26. Species Sphaerodactylus elegans Macleay, 1834
  27. Species Sphaerodactylus elegantulus Barbour, 1917
  28. Species Sphaerodactylus epiurus Thomas & Hedges, 1993
  29. Species Sphaerodactylus fantasticus Duméril & Bibron, 1836
  30. Species Sphaerodactylus gaigeae Grant, 1932
  31. Species Sphaerodactylus gilvitorques Cope, 1862
  32. Species Sphaerodactylus glaucus Cope, 1866
  33. Species Sphaerodactylus goniorhynchus Cope, 1895
  34. Species Sphaerodactylus graptolaemus Harris & Kluge, 1984
  35. Species Sphaerodactylus heliconiae Harris, 1982
  36. Species Sphaerodactylus homolepis Cope, 1886
  37. Species Sphaerodactylus inaguae Noble & Klingel, 1932
  38. Species Sphaerodactylus intermedius Barbour & Ramsden, 1919
  39. Species Sphaerodactylus kirbyi Lazell, 1994
  40. Species Sphaerodactylus klauberi Grant, 1931
  41. Species Sphaerodactylus ladae Thomas & Hedges, 1988
  42. Species Sphaerodactylus lazelli Shreve, 1968
  43. Species Sphaerodactylus leucaster Schwartz, 1973
  44. Species Sphaerodactylus levinsi Heatwole, 1968
  45. Species Sphaerodactylus lineolatus Lichtenstein & Von, 1856
  46. Species Sphaerodactylus macrolepis Günther, 1859
  47. Species Sphaerodactylus mariguanae Cochran, 1934
  48. Species Sphaerodactylus microlepis Reinhardt & Lütken, 1862
  49. Species Sphaerodactylus micropithecus Schwartz, 1977
  50. Species Sphaerodactylus millepunctatus Hallowell, 1861
  51. Species Sphaerodactylus molei Boettger, 1894
  52. Species Sphaerodactylus monensis Var, 1901
  53. Species Sphaerodactylus nicholsi Grant, 1931
  54. Species Sphaerodactylus nigropunctatus Gray, 1845
  55. Species Sphaerodactylus notatus Baird, 1859
  56. Species Sphaerodactylus nycteropus Thomas & Schwartz, 1977
  57. Species Sphaerodactylus ocoae Schwartz & Thomas, 1977
  58. Species Sphaerodactylus oliveri Grant, 1944
  59. Species Sphaerodactylus omoglaux Thomas, 1982
  60. Species Sphaerodactylus oxyrhinus Gosse, 1850
  61. Species Sphaerodactylus pacificus Stejneger, 1903
  62. Species Sphaerodactylus parkeri Grant, 1939
  63. Species Sphaerodactylus parthenopion Thomas, 1965
  64. Species Sphaerodactylus parvus
  65. Species Sphaerodactylus perissodactylius Thomas & Hedges, 1988
  66. Species Sphaerodactylus pimienta Thomas, Hedges & Garrido, 1998
  67. Species Sphaerodactylus plummeri Thomas & Hedges, 1992
  68. Species Sphaerodactylus ramsdeni Ruibal, 1959
  69. Species Sphaerodactylus randi Shreve, 1968
  70. Species Sphaerodactylus rhabdotus Schwartz, 1970
  71. Species Sphaerodactylus richardi Hedges & Garrido, 1993
  72. Species Sphaerodactylus richardsonii Gray, 1845
  73. Species Sphaerodactylus roosevelti Grant, 1931
  74. Species Sphaerodactylus rosaurae Parker, 1940
  75. Species Sphaerodactylus ruibali Grant, 1959
  76. Species Sphaerodactylus sabanus Cochran, 1938
  77. Species Sphaerodactylus samanensis Cochran, 1932
  78. Species Sphaerodactylus savagei Shreve, 1968
  79. Species Sphaerodactylus scaber Barbour & Ramsden, 1919
  80. Species Sphaerodactylus scapularis Boulenger, 1902
  81. Species Sphaerodactylus schuberti Thomas & Hedges, 1998
  82. Species Sphaerodactylus schwartzi Thomas, Hedges & Garrido, 1992
  83. Species Sphaerodactylus semasiops Thomas, 1975
  84. Species Sphaerodactylus shrevei Lazell, 1961
  85. Species Sphaerodactylus sommeri Graham, 1981
  86. Species Sphaerodactylus sputator Sparrman, 1784
  87. Species Sphaerodactylus storeyae Grant, 1944
  88. Species Sphaerodactylus streptophorus Thomas & Schwartz, 1977
  89. Species Sphaerodactylus thompsoni Schwartz & Franz, 1976
  90. Species Sphaerodactylus torrei Barbour, 1914
  91. Species Sphaerodactylus townsendi Grant, 1931
  92. Species Sphaerodactylus underwoodi Schwartz, 1968
  93. Species Sphaerodactylus vincenti Boulenger, 1891
  94. Species Sphaerodactylus williamsi Thomas & Schwartz, 1983
  95. Species Sphaerodactylus zygaena Schwartz & Thomas, 1977
  96. Species Sphaerodactylus boettgeri Donoso-Barros, 1968 accepted as Sphaerodactylus molei Boettger, 1894 (unaccepted > nomen nudum)
  97. Species Sphaerodactylus epizemius Garrido & Jaume, 1984 accepted as Sphaerodactylus docimus Schwartz & Garrido, 1985 (unaccepted > nomen nudum)
  98. Species Sphaerodactylus alayoi Grant, 1959 accepted as Sphaerodactylus nigropunctatus Gray, 1845
  99. Species Sphaerodactylus alopex Cope, 1862 accepted as Sphaerodactylus elegans Macleay, 1834
  100. Species Sphaerodactylus amazonicus Andersson, 1918 accepted as Coleodactylus amazonicus Andersson, 1918
  101. Species Sphaerodactylus anthracinus [Cope, 1862] accepted as Sphaerodactylus copei Steindachner, 1867
  102. Species Sphaerodactylus asper [Garman, 1888] accepted as Sphaerodactylus copei Steindachner, 1867
  103. Species Sphaerodactylus ateles [Thomas & Schwartz, 1966] accepted as Sphaerodactylus macrolepis Günther, 1859
  104. Species Sphaerodactylus buergeri Werner, 1900 accepted as Sphaerodactylus molei Boettger, 1894
  105. Species Sphaerodactylus casicolus Boulenger, 1885 accepted as Sphaerodactylus lineolatus Lichtenstein & Von, 1856
  106. Species Sphaerodactylus continentalis Werner, 1896 accepted as Sphaerodactylus millepunctatus Hallowell, 1861
  107. Species Sphaerodactylus copii Boulenger, 1885 accepted as Sphaerodactylus copei Steindachner, 1867
  108. Species Sphaerodactylus corticolus Garman, 1888 accepted as Sphaerodactylus corticola Garman, 1888
  109. Species Sphaerodactylus danforthi [Grant, 1931] accepted as Sphaerodactylus macrolepis Günther, 1859
  110. Species Sphaerodactylus difficilis Grant, 1952 accepted as Sphaerodactylus savagei Shreve, 1968
  111. Species Sphaerodactylus difficilis Cochran, 1941 accepted as Sphaerodactylus darlingtoni Shreve, 1968
  112. Species Sphaerodactylus drapetiscus Schwartz, 1958 accepted as Sphaerodactylus intermedius Barbour & Ramsden, 1919
  113. Species Sphaerodactylus exsul Barbour, 1914 accepted as Sphaerodactylus notatus Baird, 1859
  114. Species Sphaerodactylus grandisquamis Heatwole et al., 1963 accepted as Sphaerodactylus macrolepis Günther, 1859
  115. Species Sphaerodactylus henriquesi [Grant, 1940] accepted as Sphaerodactylus argus Gosse, 1850
  116. Species Sphaerodactylus imbricatus [Fischer, 1881] accepted as Sphaerodactylus macrolepis Günther, 1859
  117. Species Sphaerodactylus imbricatus [Andersson, 1916] accepted as Sphaerodactylus homolepis Cope, 1886
  118. Species Sphaerodactylus melanospilos [Duméril, 1873] accepted as Sphaerodactylus microlepis Reinhardt & Lütken, 1862
  119. Species Sphaerodactylus meridionalis Boulenger, 1888 accepted as Coleodactylus meridionalis Boulenger, 1888
  120. Species Sphaerodactylus mertensi Wermuth, 1965 accepted as Sphaerodactylus homolepis Cope, 1886
  121. Species Sphaerodactylus noblei Shreve, 1968 accepted as Sphaerodactylus darlingtoni Shreve, 1968
  122. Species Sphaerodactylus oxyrrhinus Boulenger, 1885 accepted as Sphaerodactylus oxyrhinus Gosse, 1850
  123. Species Sphaerodactylus perissodactylus Thomas & Hedges, 1988 accepted as Sphaerodactylus perissodactylius Thomas & Hedges, 1988
  124. Species Sphaerodactylus pfrimeri Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937 accepted as Coleodactylus brachystoma Amaral, 1935
  125. Species Sphaerodactylus pictus Garman, 1887 accepted as Sphaerodactylus sputator Sparrman, 1784
  126. Species Sphaerodactylus punctatissimus Boulenger, 1885 accepted as Sphaerodactylus elegans Macleay, 1834
  127. Species Sphaerodactylus richardsoni Gray, 1845 accepted as Sphaerodactylus richardsonii Gray, 1845
  128. Species Sphaerodactylus torquatus Strauch, 1887 accepted as Sphaerodactylus glaucus Cope, 1866
  129. Species Sphaerodactylus venezuelanus Roux, 1927 accepted as Sphaerodactylus molei Boettger, 1894
marine, brackish
recent + fossil
Wagler, J. (1830). Natürliches System der Amphibien mit vorangehender Classification der Säugethiere und Vögel : ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Zoologie. München, Stuttgart and Tübingen: J. G. Cotta. vi+354 pp., available online at
page(s): 143 [details] 
IRMNG (2024). Sphaerodactylus Wagler, 1830. Accessed at: on 2025-02-28
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

original description Wagler, J. (1830). Natürliches System der Amphibien mit vorangehender Classification der Säugethiere und Vögel : ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Zoologie. München, Stuttgart and Tübingen: J. G. Cotta. vi+354 pp., available online at
page(s): 143 [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

basis of record SN2000/Uetz, 1995- [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

extant flag source SN2000/Uetz, 1995-, PaleoDB [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 

original description (of Sphoerodactylus Duméril & Bibron, 1836) Erpét., 3, 390
page(s): 393 [details] 

original description (of Sphaeriodactylus MacLeay, 1834) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 2 (14)
page(s): 12 [details] 

original description (of Sphoeriodactylus Gray, 1830) in Griffith-Cuvier, Anim. Kingd., 9, Syn. Spec.
page(s): 52 [details] 

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