IRMNG taxon details
original description
Latreille, P.A. (1809). Genera crustaceorum et insectorum. Tomus quartus et ultimus. Amand Koenig, Parisiis et Argentorati, 399 pp., available online at page(s): 251 [details]
basis of record
Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details]
basis of record
Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details]
verified source for family
WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details]
current name source
Borkent, A. & Dominiak, P. (2020). Catalog of the Biting Midges of the World (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). <em>Zootaxa.</em> 4787(1): 1-377., available online at [details]
extant flag source
Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details]
habitat flag source
as per family [details]
original description
(of Hoffmania Fox, 1948) Fox, I. (1948). Hoffmania, a new subgenus in Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). <em>Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington.</em> 61: 21-28., available online at page(s): 21 [details]
original description
(of Selfia Khalaf, 1954) Khalaf, K. (1954). The Speciation of the Genus Culicoides (Diptera, Heleidae). <em>Annals of the Entomological Society of America.</em> 47(1): 34-51., available online at page(s): 38 [details]
original description
(of Callotia Vargas & Kremer, 1972) Vargas, L. & Kremer, M. (1972). Callotia n. subg. of Culicoides (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). <em>Mosquito News.</em> 32: 242-243. page(s): 242 [details]
original description
(of Trithecoides Wirth & Hubert, 1959) Wirth, W.W. & Hubert, A.A. (1959). Trithecoides, a new subgenus of Culicoides (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). <em>Pacific Insects.</em> 1(1): 1-38., available online at [details]
original description
(of Macfiella Fox, 1955) Fox, I. (1969). A Catalogue of the Bloodsucking Midges of the Americas (Culicoides, Leptoconops, and Lasiohelea) with Keys to the Subgenera and Nearctic Species, a Geographic Index, and Bibliography. <em>Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico.</em> 39(4): 214-285., available online at page(s): 217 [details]
original description
(of Jilinocoides Chu, 1983) Chu, F.-I. (1983). 中国库蠓属二新亚属二新种(双翅目:蠓科) [Two new subgenera and two new species of
Culicoides from China (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)]. <em>Entomotaxonomia.</em> 5(1): 25-32. page(s): 31 [details]
original description
(of Cotocripus Brèthes, 1912) Brèthes, J. (1912). Descripcion de un nuevo género y especie nueva de Chironomidae (Dipt). <em>Anales del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Buenos Aires.</em> 22: 451-453., available online at page(s): 451 [details]
original description
(of Neoculicoides Boorman & Lane, 1979) Boorman, J. & Lane, R. (1979). A new genus and species of Ceratopogonidae (Diptera) closely related to<i>Culicoides</i>from West Africa. <em>Journal of Natural History.</em> 13(3): 327-332., available online at page(s): 327 [details]
original description
(of Nullicella Lee, 1982) Lee, T.-S. (1982). Diptera: Ceratopogonidae. pp. 165-172. In: 青藏高原科学考察丛书: 西藏昆虫 2 [Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Scientific Expedition Series: Insects of Tibet, vol. 2]. Science Press, Beijing. 508 pp. page(s): 172 [details]
original description
(of Beltranmyia Vargas, 1953) Vargas, L. (1953). Beltranmyia n. Subgen. de Culicoides (Insecta: Heleidae). <em>Revista del Instituto de Salubridad y Enfermedades Tropicales.</em> 13: 33-36. page(s): 34 [details]
original description
(of Glaphiromyia Vargas, 1960) Vargas, L. (1960). The subgenera of Culicoides of the Americas (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). <em>Revista de Biología Tropical.</em> 8(1): 35-47., available online at page(s): 41 [details]
original description
(of Haematomyidium Goeldi, 1905) Goeldi, E.A. (1905). Os mosquitos no Pará. Reunião de quatro trabalhos sobre os mosquitos indigenas, principalmente as especies que molestam o homem. <em>Memórias do Museu Goeldi (Museu Paraense) de Historia Natural e Ethnographia.</em> 4: 1-154., available online at page(s): 137 [details]
original description
(of Oecacta Poey, 1853) Poey, F. (1851-1854). Memorias sobre la historia natural de la Isla de Cuba. Tomo 1. Barcina, Habana. 463 pp. [1–40 + pls 1–8: 1851; 41–200 + pls 9–22: 1852; 201–280 + pls 23–30: 1853; 281–453 + pls 31–34: 1854]., available online at page(s): 236 [details]
original description
(of Haemophoructus Macfie, 1925) Macfie, J.W.S. (1925). A new Blood-sucking Midge from Singapore. <em>Bulletin of Entomological Research.</em> 15(4): 349-351., available online at page(s): 349 [details]
original description
(of Prosapelma Kieffer, 1925) Kieffer, J.J. (1925). Nouveaux genres et nouvelles espèces de chironomides piqueurs. <em>Archives de l'Institut Pasteur d'Algérie.</em> 3: 405-430. page(s): 417 [details]
original description
(of Meijerehelea Wirth & Hubert, 1961) Wirth, W.W. & Hubert, A.A. (1961). New species and records Taiwan Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). <em>Pacific Insects.</em> 3(1): 11-26., available online at page(s): 23 [details]
original description
(of Drymodesmyia Vargas, 1960) Vargas, L. (1960). The subgenera of Culicoides of the Americas (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). <em>Revista de Biología Tropical.</em> 8(1): 35-47., available online at page(s): 40 [details]
original description
(of Amossovia Glukhova, 1989) Glukhova, V.M. (1989). Насекомые двукрылые, т 3 вып 5а: Кровососущчие мокрецы родов Culicoides и Forcipomyia (Ceratopogonidae). [Insecta Diptera, Volume 3, part 5a: Blood-sucking midges of the genera Culicoides and Forcipomyia (Ceratopogonidae)]. <em>Фауна СССР: новая серия [Fauna of the USSR, new series].</em> 139: 1-408. ISBN 5-02-025760-5. page(s): 226 [details]
original description
(of Silvaticulicoides Glukhova, 1972) Glukhova, V.M. (1972). О подродовой классификации рода Culicoides (Ceratopogonidae) с учетомстроения преимагинальных фаз и выделением нового подрода [On the subgeneric classification of the genus Culicoides (Ceratopogonidae), taking into account the structure of the preimaginal phases and the identification of a new subgenus.]. in: Проблемы паразитологии. Тр. VII научн. конф. паразитологов УССР, Киев, 1972. 1: 212-215. page(s): 214 [details]
original description
(of Psychophaena Philippi, 1865) Philippi, R.A. (1866). Aufzählung der chilenischen Dipteren. <em>Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien.</em> 15(Abh.): 595-782 [1865]., available online at page(s): 628 [details]
original description
(of Tokunagahelea Dyce & Meiswinkel, 1995) Dyce, A. & Meiswinkel, R. (1995). Tokunagahelea, a new subgenus of Culicoides Latreille (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from the Australasian region with descriptions of two new species. <em>Invertebrate Systematics.</em> 9(1): 129-147., available online at page(s): 131 [details]
original description
(of Wirthomyia Vargas, 1973) Vargas, L. (1973). Wirthomyia, a new subgenus of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). <em>Mosquito News.</em> 33(1): 112-113., available online at page(s): 112 [details]
original description
(of Pontoculicoides Remm & Zhogolev, 1968) Article title: On the biting midge fauna (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) of the Crimea. [details]
original description
(of Pontoculicoides Remm & Zhogolev, 1968) Remm, H. & Zhogolev, D.T. (1968). фауне мокрецов (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) Крыма [Contributions to the fauna of biting midges (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) of the Crimea]. <em>Энтомологическое Обозрение [Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie].</em> 47(4): 826-842 [English translation in Entomological Review 47: 503-513.]. page(s): 840 [details]
original description
(of Monoculicoides Khalaf, 1954) Khalaf, K. (1954). The Speciation of the Genus Culicoides (Diptera, Heleidae). <em>Annals of the Entomological Society of America.</em> 47(1): 34-51., available online at page(s): 39 [details]
original description
(of Oxyhelea Kieffer, 1921) Kieffer, J.J. (1921). Chironomides de l'Afrique Équatoriale (1ère partie). <em>Annales de la Société Entomologique de France.</em> 90(1): 1-56., available online at page(s): 14 [details]
original description
(of Sinocoides Chu, 1983) Chu, F.-I. (1983). 中国库蠓属二新亚属二新种(双翅目:蠓科) [Two new subgenera and two new species of
Culicoides from China (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)]. <em>Entomotaxonomia.</em> 5(1): 25-32. page(s): 31 [details]
original description
(of Padrosia Rafinesque, 1815) Rafinesque, C.S. (1815). Analyse de la nature, ou tableau de l'universe et des corps organisés. Palermo: Jean Barravecchia. 224 pp., available online at page(s): 130 [details]
original description
(of Silvicola Mirzaeva & Isaev, 1990) Mirzaeva, A.G. & Isaev, V.A. (1990). [Revision of the subgenus Culicoides s. str. (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae)]. <em>Новые И малоизветные виды фауны Сибири.</em> 21: 92-99 [English translation in Entomological Review, 70(4): 154-160]. page(s): 98 [details]
original description
(of Synhelea Kieffer, 1925) Kieffer, J.J. (1925). Nouveaux genres et nouvelles espèces de chironomides piqueurs. <em>Archives de l'Institut Pasteur d'Algérie.</em> 3: 405-430. page(s): 423 [details]
original description
(of Conopoides Agassiz, 1846) Agassiz, L. (1846). Nomenclatoris zoologici index universalis. Jent & Gassman. viii + 393 pp. [1847]., available online at page(s): 108 [details]
original description
(of Diphaomyia Vargas, 1960) Vargas, L. (1960). The subgenera of Culicoides of the Americas (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). <em>Revista de Biología Tropical.</em> 8(1): 35-47., available online at page(s): 40 [details]
original description
(of Remmia Glukhova, 1977) Glukhova, V.M. (1977). О подродовой классификации рода Culicoides Latreille, 1809 (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) с учетом строения личиночной фазы [The subgeneric classification of the genus Culicoides Latreille, 1809 (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae), with a consideration of the structure of the larval phase]. <em>Паразитологический Сборник [Parazitologicheskii Sbornik].</em> 27: 112-118. page(s): 116 [details]
original description
(of Anilomyia Vargas, 1960) Vargas, L. (1960). The subgenera of Culicoides of the Americas (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). <em>Revista de Biología Tropical.</em> 8(1): 35-47., available online at page(s): 37 [details]
original description
(of Mataemyia Vargas, 1960) Vargas, L. (1960). The subgenera of Culicoides of the Americas (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). <em>Revista de Biología Tropical.</em> 8(1): 35-47., available online at page(s): 43 [details]
original description
(of Chairopogon Yu, 2005) Yu, Y.-X., Liu, J.-H., Liu, G.-P., Liu, Z.-J., Hao, B.-S., Yan, G. & Zhao, T.-S. (2005). 中国蠓科昆虫. 昆虫纲, 双翅目 [Ceratopogonidae of China, Insecta, Diptera]. Military Medical Science Press, Beijing. 2 vols, 1699 pp. ISBN 7-80121-687-3. page(s): 1430 [details]
original description
(of Marksomyia Bellis & Dyce, 2011) Bellis, G. & Dyce, A. (2011). Marksomyia, a new subgenus of Culicoides Latreille (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from the Australasian biogeographic region with descriptions of two new species. <em>Zootaxa.</em> 3014(1): 35-58., available online at [details]
original description
(of Devalquia Choufani & Nel in Choufani et al., 2013 †) Choufani, J.; Garrouste, R.; Perrichot, V.; Nel, A.; Azar, D.; Girard, V. (2013). Two new biting midges of the modern type from Santonian amber of France (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Pp. 73-95 in Insect Evolution in an Amberiferous and Stone Alphabet: Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Fossil Insects, Arthropods and Amber., Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden. , available online at [details]
original description
(of Avaritia Fox, 1955) Fox, I. (1969). A Catalogue of the Bloodsucking Midges of the Americas (Culicoides, Leptoconops, and Lasiohelea) with Keys to the Subgenera and Nearctic Species, a Geographic Index, and Bibliography. <em>Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico.</em> 39(4): 214-285., available online at page(s): 218 [details]
original description
(of Fastus Liu, 2005) Yu, Y.-X., Liu, J.-H., Liu, G.-P., Liu, Z.-J., Hao, B.-S., Yan, G. & Zhao, T.-S. (2005). 中国蠓科昆虫. 昆虫纲, 双翅目 [Ceratopogonidae of China, Insecta, Diptera]. Military Medical Science Press, Beijing. 2 vols, 1699 pp. ISBN 7-80121-687-3. page(s): 1196 [details]
original description
(of Groganomyia Szadziewski & Dominiak, 2019) Szadziewski, R.; Dominiak, P.; Sontag, E.; Krzemiński, W.; Wang, B.; Szwedo, J. (2019). Haematophagous biting midges of the extant genus Culicoides Latreille (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) evolved during the mid-Cretaceous. <em>Zootaxa.</em> 4688(4): 535-548., available online at page(s): 536 [details]
original description
(of Stigmoculicoides Isaev, 1988) Isaev, V.A. (1988). [Isolation and recognition of some subgenera of the biting midges of the genus Culicoides (Ceratopogonidae) with a description of a new subgenus Stigmoculicoides]. In: [Insects - potential carriers of infectious diseases: Morphology, systematics and ecology of the dipterans]. Collected scientific works of the Ivanovo State Medical Institute, Ivanovo. pp. 14–39. [in Russian]. page(s): 15 [details]
original description
(of Sensiculicoides Shevchenko, 1977) Shevchenko, A.K. (1977). Кровосисні мокреці [Bloodsucking midges]. <em>Фауна Украины [Fauna of Ukraine].</em> 13(1): 1-251. page(s): 133 [details]
original description
(of Silvaticulicoides Glukhova, 1977) Glukhova, V.M. (1977). О подродовой классификации рода Culicoides Latreille, 1809 (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) с учетом строения личиночной фазы [The subgeneric classification of the genus Culicoides Latreille, 1809 (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae), with a consideration of the structure of the larval phase]. <em>Паразитологический Сборник [Parazitologicheskii Sbornik].</em> 27: 112-118. page(s): 117 [details]
To BioNames database (from synonym Haemophoructus Macfie, 1925)
To BioNames database (from synonym Prosapelma Kieffer, 1925)
To BioNames database (from synonym Amossovia Glukhova, 1989)
To BioNames database (from synonym Silvaticulicoides Glukhova, 1972)
To BioNames database (from synonym Tokunagahelea Dyce & Meiswinkel, 1995)
To BioNames database (from synonym Wirthomyia Vargas, 1973)
To BioNames database (from synonym Pontoculicoides Remm & Zhogolev, 1968)
To BioNames database (from synonym Oxyhelea Kieffer, 1921)
To BioNames database (from synonym Jilinocoides Chu, 1983)
To BioNames database (from synonym Cotocripus Brèthes, 1912)
To BioNames database (from synonym Neoculicoides Boorman & Lane, 1979)
To BioNames database (from synonym Nullicella Lee, 1982)
To BioNames database (from synonym Callotia Vargas & Kremer, 1972)
To BioNames database (from synonym Sinocoides Chu, 1983)
To BioNames database (from synonym Silvicola Mirzaeva & Isaev, 1990)
To BioNames database (from synonym Synhelea Kieffer, 1925)
To BioNames database (from synonym Remmia Glukhova, 1977)
To BioNames database (from synonym Chairopogon Yu, 2005)
To BioNames database (from synonym Marksomyia Bellis & Dyce, 2011)
To BioNames database (from synonym Devalquia Choufani & Nel in Choufani et al., 2013 †)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Callotia Vargas & Kremer, 1972)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Devalquia Choufani & Nel in Choufani et al., 2013 †)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Marksomyia Bellis & Dyce, 2011)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Chairopogon Yu, 2005)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Remmia Glukhova, 1977)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Synhelea Kieffer, 1925)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Silvicola Mirzaeva & Isaev, 1990)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Sinocoides Chu, 1983)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Nullicella Lee, 1982)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Neoculicoides Boorman & Lane, 1979)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Cotocripus Brèthes, 1912)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Jilinocoides Chu, 1983)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Haemophoructus Macfie, 1925)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Oxyhelea Kieffer, 1921)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Pontoculicoides Remm & Zhogolev, 1968)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Wirthomyia Vargas, 1973)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Tokunagahelea Dyce & Meiswinkel, 1995)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Silvaticulicoides Glukhova, 1972)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Amossovia Glukhova, 1989)
To ION (Index to Organism Names) (from synonym Prosapelma Kieffer, 1925)
To WoRMS (from synonym Monoculicoides Khalaf, 1954)
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