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Arthroxylon F.D. Reed, 1952 †

1316271  (

Arthrodendron (A.C. Seward) D.H. Scott, 1900 † · unaccepted (not validly published (according...)  
not validly published (according to Reed 1952), then preoccupied
Calamopitus W.C. Williamson, 1871 † · unaccepted (confusible name (with...)  
confusible name (with Calamopitys Unger 1856)
marine, brackish, terrestrial
fossil only
Reed, F. D. (1952). Arthroxylon, a redefined genus of calamite. <em>Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden.</em> 39(3): 173-187., available online at [details] 
Taxonomic remark Substitute name for Arthrodendron (A.C. Seward) D.H. Scott, 1900, according to the authors since the latter was not validly...  
Taxonomic remark Substitute name for Arthrodendron (A.C. Seward) D.H. Scott, 1900, according to the authors since the latter was not validly described (no "proper description" or type species designated) and the same name was subsequently used by Ulrich, 1904 for a fossil alga (although now allocated to Foraminifera).  [details]
IRMNG (2022). Arthroxylon F.D. Reed, 1952 †. Accessed at: on 2024-12-28
2007-05-28 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2019-02-19 06:37:00Z
2022-05-18 07:06:25Z
2022-07-18 06:28:44Z

original description Reed, F. D. (1952). Arthroxylon, a redefined genus of calamite. <em>Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden.</em> 39(3): 173-187., available online at [details] 

verified source for family Röβler, R.; Noll, R. (2007). Calamitea Cotta, the correct name for calamitean sphenopsids currently classified as Calamodendron Brongniart. <em>Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology.</em> 144(3-4): 157-180., available online at
note: inferred - as per Calamitea Cotta, discussed in comparison [details] 

current name source Röβler, R.; Noll, R. (2007). Calamitea Cotta, the correct name for calamitean sphenopsids currently classified as Calamodendron Brongniart. <em>Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology.</em> 144(3-4): 157-180., available online at [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 
Taxonomic remark Substitute name for Arthrodendron (A.C. Seward) D.H. Scott, 1900, according to the authors since the latter was not validly described (no "proper description" or type species designated) and the same name was subsequently used by Ulrich, 1904 for a fossil alga (although now allocated to Foraminifera).  [details]

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