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IRMNG taxon details

Vendobionta †

231  (

Seilacher, 1992
Cephalozoa † · unaccepted
Dipleurozoa † · unaccepted
Petalonamae † · unaccepted (alternative name for orders...)  
alternative name for orders Rangeomorpha and Charniomorpha


  • Alphabetically
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  1. Order Arboreomorpha †
  2. Order Aspidellomorpha †
  3. Genus Ausia Hahn & Pflug, 1985 †
  4. Family Ausiidae Hahn & Pflug, 1985 †
  5. Genus Blackbrookia Boynton & Ford, 1995 †
  6. Order Charniomorpha †
  7. Genus Daliania Liu & Yang in Hong, Huang, Yang, Lan, Xian, Yang & Liu, 1988, nom. nud. (?) †
  8. Genus Daliania Liu & Yang in Hong et al., 1988 †
  9. Order Dickinsoniamorpha †
  10. Order Erniettomorpha †
  11. Genus Guangweia Hu, Zhao, Liu & Zhu, 2022 †
  12. Genus Liaonanella Liu & Yang in Hong, Huang, Yang, Lan, Xian, Yang & Liu, 1988 †
  13. Genus Nemiana Palij, 1976 †
  14. Genus Palaeophragmodictya Gehling & Rigby, 1996 †
  15. Genus Parviscopa Hofmann, O'Brien & King, 2008 †
  16. Family Protechiuridae Ivantsov, Vickers-Rich, Zakrevskaya & Hall, 2019 †
  17. Genus Pseudovendia Boynton & Ford, 1979 †
  18. Order Rangeomorpha †
  19. Genus Shepshedia Boynton & Ford, 1995 †
  20. Genus Tamga Ivantsov, 2007 †
  21. Genus Tirasiana Palij, 1976 †
  22. Family Vendobionta (awaiting allocation) † (temporary name)
  23. Class Cephalozoa † accepted as Vendobionta †
  24. Class Dipleurozoa † accepted as Vendobionta †
  25. Class Petalonamae † accepted as Vendobionta † (alternative name for orders Rangeomorpha and Charniomorpha)
  26. Class Proarticulata † accepted as Dickinsoniamorpha † (alternative name (approximate synonym))
  27. Class Trilobozoa † accepted as Aspidellomorpha † (alternative treatment for taxa currently treated as phylum Vendobionta, order Aspidellomorpha)
  28. Order Triradialomorpha † accepted as Aspidellomorpha † (alternative name)
  29. Class Vendiamorpha † accepted as Rangeomorpha †
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
fossil only
Not documented
Taxonomic remark Treated as equivalent to, or including, phylum Proarticulata Fendonkin (as described in Ivantsov et al., 2019) at this...  
Taxonomic remark Treated as equivalent to, or including, phylum Proarticulata Fendonkin (as described in Ivantsov et al., 2019) at this time. Retallack & Broz, 2020 treat as class (not phylum or kingdom), in kingdom and phylum incertae sedis. Erwin et al., 2011 doubt the monophyly of this group, and prefer to recognise a set of distinct clades (not necessarily related), stating: "In the past, the Ediacara biota were originally characterized as crown Metazoa (Gehling, 1991), or more controversially as Vendozoa/Vendobionta (Seilacher, 1989, 1992) distinct from Metazoa. It is now recognized that Ediacarans consist of a number of separate groups rather than a single clade, thus shifting the debate to discussions of stem+crown animals, stem clades outside of Metazoa, and even macroscopic algae (Xiao & Laflamme, 2009)." However, Hoyal Cuthill & Han, 2018 support recognition of Vendobionta (named Petalonamae in their treatment) as a single/distinct animal phylum. [details]
IRMNG (2024). Vendobionta †. Accessed at: on 2025-03-24
2010-05-31 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2024-01-30 17:37:31Z

basis of record Buss, L. W.; Seilacher, A. (1994). The Phylum Vendobionta: a sister group of the Eumetazoa?. <em>Paleobiology.</em> 20(1): 1-4., available online at [details] 

additional source Retallack, G. J. (2016). Ediacaran fossils in thin-section. <em>Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology.</em> 40(4): 583-600., available online at
note: includes detailed listing of genera by order [details] 

additional source Erwin, D. H.; Laflamme, M.; Tweedt, S. M.; Sperling, E. A.; Pisani, D.; Peterson, K. J. (2011). The Cambrian conundrum: early divergence and later ecological success in the early history of animals. <em>Science.</em> 334(6059): 1091-1097., available online at
note: questions validity of this taxon, refer note [details] 

additional source Hoyal Cuthill, J. F.; Han, J. (2018). Cambrian petalonamid <i>Stromatoveris</i> phylogenetically links Ediacaran biota to later animals. <em>Palaeontology.</em> 61(6): 813-823., available online at
note: as distinct phylum (labelled Petalonamae in their treatment) [details] 

additional source Ivantsov, A. Y.; Zakrevskaya, M. A. (2021). Symmetry of Vendobionta (Late Precambrian Metazoa). <em>Paleontological Journal.</em> 55(7): 717-726., available online at
note: Recognises taxon Vendobionta with 4 subgroups: Trilobozoa, Petalonamae, Proarticulata (listed under different names in IRMNG) plus Protechiuridae [details] 

name verified source Retallack, G. J.; Broz, A. P. (2020). <i>Arumberia</i> and other Ediacaran–Cambrian fossils of central Australia. <em>Historical Biology.</em> 33(10): 1964-1988., available online at
note: as class, placed in kingdom and phylum incertae sedis [details] 

extant flag source Buss, L. W.; Seilacher, A. (1994). The Phylum Vendobionta: a sister group of the Eumetazoa?. <em>Paleobiology.</em> 20(1): 1-4., available online at [details] 

habitat flag source Buss, L. W.; Seilacher, A. (1994). The Phylum Vendobionta: a sister group of the Eumetazoa?. <em>Paleobiology.</em> 20(1): 1-4., available online at [details] 
Taxonomic remark Treated as equivalent to, or including, phylum Proarticulata Fendonkin (as described in Ivantsov et al., 2019) at this time. Retallack & Broz, 2020 treat as class (not phylum or kingdom), in kingdom and phylum incertae sedis. Erwin et al., 2011 doubt the monophyly of this group, and prefer to recognise a set of distinct clades (not necessarily related), stating: "In the past, the Ediacara biota were originally characterized as crown Metazoa (Gehling, 1991), or more controversially as Vendozoa/Vendobionta (Seilacher, 1989, 1992) distinct from Metazoa. It is now recognized that Ediacarans consist of a number of separate groups rather than a single clade, thus shifting the debate to discussions of stem+crown animals, stem clades outside of Metazoa, and even macroscopic algae (Xiao & Laflamme, 2009)." However, Hoyal Cuthill & Han, 2018 support recognition of Vendobionta (named Petalonamae in their treatment) as a single/distinct animal phylum. [details]

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