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Thomisidae Sundevall, 1833

100503  (



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  1. Genus Acentroscelus Simon, 1886
  2. Genus Acracanthostoma Mello-Leitão, 1918
  3. Genus Acrotmarus Tang & Li, 2012
  4. Genus Alcimochthes Simon, 1885
  5. Genus Amyciaea Simon, 1885
  6. Genus Angaeus Thorell, 1881
  7. Genus Ansiea Lehtinen, 2004
  8. Genus Ansistaria Sherwood, 2022
  9. Genus Aphantochilus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871
  10. Genus Apyretina Strand, 1929
  11. Genus Ascurisoma Strand, 1929
  12. Genus Australomisidia Szymkowiak, 2014
  13. Genus Avelis Simon, 1895
  14. Genus Bassaniana Strand, 1928
  15. Genus Bassaniodes Pocock in Forbes, 1903
  16. Genus Boliscodes Simon, 1908
  17. Genus Boliscus Thorell, 1891
  18. Genus Bomis Koch, 1873
  19. Genus Bonapruncinia Benoit, 1977
  20. Genus Boomerangiana Szymkowiak & Sherwood, 2021
  21. Genus Borboropactus Simon, 1884
  22. Genus Bucranium Cambridge, 1881
  23. Genus Camaricus Thorell, 1887
  24. Genus Carcinarachne Schmidt, 1956
  25. Genus Cebrenninus Simon, 1887
  26. Genus Ceraarachne Keyserling, 1880
  27. Genus Cetratus Kulczynski, 1910
  28. Genus Coenypha Simon, 1895
  29. Genus Coriarachne Thorell, 1870
  30. Genus Corynethrix Koch, 1876
  31. Genus Cozyptila Lehtinen & Marusik, 2005
  32. Genus Crockeria Benjamin, 2016
  33. Genus Cupa Strand, 1906
  34. Genus Cymbacha Koch in Koch (Keyserling), 1873
  35. Genus Cymbachina Bryant, 1933
  36. Genus Cynathea Simon, 1895
  37. Genus Cyriogonus Simon, 1886
  38. Genus Deltoclita Simon, 1888
  39. Genus Demogenes Thorell in Simon, 1895
  40. Genus Diaea Thorell, 1869
  41. Genus Diasterea Shield & Strudwick, 1999
  42. Genus Dietopsa Strand, 1932
  43. Genus Dimizonops Pocock in Forbes, 1903
  44. Genus Diplotychus Simon, 1903
  45. Genus Domatha Simon, 1895
  46. Genus Ebelingia Lehtinen, 2004
  47. Genus Ebrechtella Dahl, 1907
  48. Genus Emplesiogonus Simon, 1903
  49. Genus Epicadinus Simon, 1895
  50. Genus Epicadus Simon, 1895
  51. Genus Epidius Thorell, 1877
  52. Genus Erissoides Mello-Leitão, 1929
  53. Genus Erissus Simon, 1895
  54. Genus Facundia Petrunkevitch, 1942 †
  55. Genus Felsina Simon, 1895
  56. Genus Fiducia Petrunkevitch, 1950 †
  57. Genus Firmicus Simon, 1895
  58. Genus Geraesta Simon, 1889
  59. Genus Gnoerichia Dahl, 1907
  60. Genus Haedanula Caporiacco, 1941
  61. Genus Haplotmarus Simon, 1908
  62. Genus Hedana Koch in Koch (Keyserling), 1873
  63. Genus Henriksenia Lehtinen, 2004
  64. Genus Herbessus Simon, 1903
  65. Genus Heriaesynaema Caporiacco, 1939
  66. Genus Heriaeus Simon, 1875
  67. Genus Heterogriffus Platnick, 1976
  68. Genus Heterotmarus Wunderlich, 1988 †
  69. Genus Hewittia Lessert, 1928
  70. Genus Hexommulocymus Caporiacco, 1955
  71. Genus Holopelus Simon, 1886
  72. Genus Ibana Benjamin, 2014
  73. Genus Indosmodicinus Sen, Saha & Raychaudhuri, 2010
  74. Genus Indoxysticus Benjamin & Jaleel, 2010
  75. Genus Iphoctesis Simon, 1903
  76. Genus Isala Koch in Koch (Keyserling), 1876
  77. Genus Isaloides Cambridge, 1900
  78. Genus Komisumena Ono, 1981 †
  79. Genus Kryptochroma Machado, 2021
  80. Genus Lampertia Strand, 1907
  81. Genus Latifrons Kulczynski, 1911
  82. Genus Ledouxia Lehtinen, 2004
  83. Genus Lehtinelagia Szymkowiak, 2014
  84. Genus Loxobates Thorell, 1877
  85. Genus Loxoporetes Kulczynski, 1911
  86. Genus Lycopus Thorell, 1895
  87. Genus Lysiteles Simon, 1895
  88. Genus Majellula Strand, 1932
  89. Genus Massuria Thorell, 1887
  90. Genus Mecaphesa Simon, 1900
  91. Genus Megapyge Caporiacco, 1947
  92. Genus Metadiaea Mello-Leitão, 1929
  93. Genus Micromisumenops Tang & Li, 2010
  94. Genus Miothomisus Zhang, Sun & Zhang, 1994 †
  95. Genus Misumena Latreille, 1804
  96. Genus Misumenoides Cambridge, 1900
  97. Genus Misumenops Cambridge, 1900
  98. Genus Monaeses Thorell, 1869
  99. Genus Musaeus Thorell, 1890
  100. Genus Mystaria Simon, 1895
  101. Genus Narcaeus Thorell, 1890
  102. Genus Nyctimus Thorell, 1877
  103. Genus Ocyllus Thorell, 1887
  104. Genus Onocolus Simon, 1895
  105. Genus Ostanes Simon, 1895
  106. Genus Oxyptila Thorell, 1869
  107. Genus Oxysoma Pelegrin Franganillo y Balbao, 1926 †
  108. Genus Oxytate Koch, 1878
  109. Genus Ozyptila Simon, 1864
  110. Genus Pactactes Simon, 1895
  111. Genus Pagida Simon, 1895
  112. Genus Parabomis Kulczynski, 1901
  113. Genus Paraborboropactus Tang & Li, 2009
  114. Genus Paramystaria Lessert, 1919
  115. Genus Parasmodix Jezequel, 1966
  116. Genus Parastephanops Cambridge, 1900
  117. Genus Parastrophius Simon, 1903
  118. Genus Parasynema Cambridge, 1900
  119. Genus Paratobias Cambridge, 1900
  120. Genus Parvulus Zhang, Sun & Zhang, 1994 †
  121. Genus Pasias Simon, 1895
  122. Genus Pasiasula Roewer, 1942
  123. Genus Peritraeus Simon, 1895
  124. Genus Phaenopoma Simon, 1895
  125. Genus Pharta Thorell, 1892
  126. Genus Pherecydes Cambridge, 1883
  127. Genus Philodamia Thorell, 1895
  128. Genus Philogaeus Simon, 1895
  129. Genus Phireza Simon, 1886
  130. Genus Phrynarachne Thorell, 1869
  131. Genus Physoplatys Simon, 1895
  132. Genus Pistius Simon, 1875
  133. Genus Plancinus Simon, 1886
  134. Genus Plastonomus Simon, 1903
  135. Genus Platyarachne Keyserling, 1880
  136. Genus Platypyresthesis Simon, 1903
  137. Genus Platythomisus Doleschall, 1859
  138. Genus Poecilothomisus Simon, 1895
  139. Genus Porropis Koch in Koch (Keyserling), 1876
  140. Genus Pothaeus Thorell, 1895
  141. Genus Prepotelus Simon, 1898
  142. Genus Pseudamyciaea Simon, 1905
  143. Genus Pseudoporrhopis Simon, 1886
  144. Genus Pycnaxis Simon, 1895
  145. Genus Pyresthesis Butler, 1880
  146. Genus Reinickella Dahl, 1907
  147. Genus Rejanellus Lise, 2005
  148. Genus Rhaebobates Thorell, 1881
  149. Genus Runcinia Simon, 1875
  150. Genus Saccodomus Rainbow, 1900
  151. Genus Sanmenia Song & Kim, 1992
  152. Genus Scopticus Simon, 1895
  153. Genus Simorcus Simon, 1895
  154. Genus Sinothomisus Tang, Yin, Griswold & Peng, 2006
  155. Genus Smodicinodes Ono, 1993
  156. Genus Smodicinus Simon, 1895
  157. Genus Soelteria Dahl, 1907
  158. Genus Spilosynema Tang & Li, 2010
  159. Genus Spiracme Menge, 1875
  160. Genus Stephanopis Cambridge, 1869
  161. Genus Stephanopoides Keyserling, 1880
  162. Genus Stiphropella Lawrence, 1952
  163. Genus Stiphropus Gerstaecker, 1873
  164. Genus Strigoplus Simon, 1885
  165. Genus Strophius Keyserling, 1880
  166. Genus Succinaenigma Wunderlich, 2004 †
  167. Genus Succiniraptor Wunderlich, 2004 †
  168. Genus Sylligma Simon, 1895
  169. Genus Synaemops Mello-Leitão, 1929
  170. Genus Synalus Simon, 1895
  171. Genus Synema Simon, 1864
  172. Genus Synstrophius Mello-Leitão, 1925
  173. Genus Syphax Menge in Berendt, 1854 †
  174. Genus Tagulinus Simon, 1903
  175. Genus Tagulis Simon, 1895
  176. Genus Takachihoa Ono, 1985
  177. Genus Talaus Simon, 1886
  178. Genus Tarrocanus Simon, 1895
  179. Genus Taypaliito Barrion & Litsinger, 1995
  180. Genus Tharpyna Koch in Koch (Keyserling), 1874
  181. Genus Tharrhalea Koch in Koch (Keyserling), 1875
  182. Genus Thomisiraptor Wunderlich, 2004 †
  183. Genus Thomisops Karsch, 1879
  184. Genus Thomisus Walckenaer, 1805
  185. Genus Titidiops Mello-Leitão, 1929
  186. Genus Titidius Simon, 1895
  187. Genus Tmarus Simon, 1875
  188. Genus Tobias Simon, 1895
  189. Genus Trichopagis Simon, 1886
  190. Genus Ulocymus Simon, 1886
  191. Genus Uraarachne Keyserling, 1880
  192. Genus Wechselia Dahl, 1907
  193. Genus Xysticus Koch in Panzer, 1834-35
  194. Genus Zametopias Thorell, 1890
  195. Genus Zametopina Simon, 1908
  196. Genus Zygometis Simon, 1901
  197. Genus Syphax Berendt, 1845 † accepted as Syphax Menge in Berendt, 1854 † (unaccepted > nomen nudum)
  198. Genus Acanthonotus Taczanowski, 1872 accepted as Acentroscelus Simon, 1886
  199. Genus Amycle O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873 accepted as Amyciaea Simon, 1885
  200. Genus Apyre Simon, 1895 accepted as Apyretina Strand, 1929
  201. Genus Ascuris Simon, 1897 accepted as Ascurisoma Strand, 1929
  202. Genus Bassania Cambridge, 1898 accepted as Bassaniana Strand, 1928
  203. Genus Boomerangia Szymkowiak, 2014 accepted as Boomerangiana Szymkowiak & Sherwood, 2021 (Junior homonym)
  204. Genus Browningella Mello-Leitão, 1948 accepted as Stephanopoides Keyserling, 1880
  205. Genus Cerarachne Simon, 1886 accepted as Ceraarachne Keyserling, 1880
  206. Genus Charis Keyserling, 1880 accepted as Deltoclita Simon, 1888
  207. Genus Cryptoceroides Piza, 1938 accepted as Aphantochilus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871
  208. Genus Demonax Thorell, 1881 accepted as Demogenes Thorell in Simon, 1895
  209. Genus Diana Simon, 1864 accepted as Diaea Thorell, 1869
  210. Genus Dieta Simon, 1880 accepted as Oxytate Koch, 1878
  211. Genus Dietopsis Simon, 1895 accepted as Dietopsa Strand, 1932
  212. Genus Eripus Walckenaer, 1833 accepted as Epicadus Simon, 1895
  213. Genus Indocamaricus Saha & Raychaudhuri, 2007 accepted as Camaricus Thorell, 1887
  214. Genus Lassysticus Schick, 1965 accepted as Xysticus Koch in Panzer, 1834-35 (Treated as subgenus)
  215. Genus Majella Cambridge, 1896 accepted as Majellula Strand, 1932
  216. Genus Mecostrabus Simon, 1903 accepted as Monaeses Thorell, 1869
  217. Genus Monoeses Simon, 1904 accepted as Monaeses Thorell, 1869
  218. Genus Nesis Cambridge, 1883 accepted as Phaenopoma Simon, 1895
  219. Genus Odontoruncinia Caporiacco, 1954 accepted as Uraarachne Keyserling, 1880
  220. Genus Palaephatus Cambridge, 1883 accepted as Pagida Simon, 1895
  221. Genus Parastrophius Mello-Leitão, 1917 accepted as Synstrophius Mello-Leitão, 1925
  222. Genus Parasynaema Petrunkevitch, 1928 accepted as Parasynema Cambridge, 1900
  223. Genus Paronocolus Mello-Leitão, 1930 accepted as Onocolus Simon, 1895
  224. Genus Pherecides Dahl, 1907 accepted as Pherecydes Cambridge, 1883
  225. Genus Phrynoides Simon, 1864 accepted as Phrynarachne Thorell, 1869
  226. Genus Porrhopis Petrunkevitch, 1928 accepted as Porropis Koch in Koch (Keyserling), 1876
  227. Genus Psammitis Menge, 1875 accepted as Xysticus Koch in Panzer, 1834-35
  228. Genus Regillulus Strand, 1942 accepted as Borboropactus Simon, 1884
  229. Genus Regillus Cambridge, 1884 accepted as Borboropactus Simon, 1884
  230. Genus Rhynchognatha Thorell, 1887 accepted as Monaeses Thorell, 1869
  231. Genus Rhytidura Thorell, 1895 accepted as Oxytate Koch, 1878
  232. Genus Runcinioides Mello-Leitão, 1929 accepted as Misumenops Cambridge, 1900
  233. Genus Stephanopsis Simon, 1884 accepted as Stephanopis Cambridge, 1869
  234. Genus Synaema Thorell, 1869 accepted as Synema Simon, 1864
  235. Genus Thomisa Simon, 1864 accepted as Thomisus Walckenaer, 1805
  236. Genus Tmarsus Keyserling, 1880 accepted as Tmarus Simon, 1875
  237. Genus Whittickius Mello-Leitão, 1941 accepted as Acentroscelus Simon, 1886
  238. Genus Xystica Simon, 1864 accepted as Xysticus Koch in Panzer, 1834-35
  239. Genus Cerinius Thorell, 1877 (uncertain, unassessed)
  240. Genus Gelotopoeus Karsch, 1886 (uncertain, unassessed)
  241. Genus Martus (uncertain, unassessed)
  242. Genus Mastira Thorell, 1891 (uncertain, unassessed)
  243. Genus Modysticus Gertsch, 1953 (uncertain, unassessed)
  244. Genus Proxysticus Dalmas, 1927 (uncertain, unassessed)
  245. Genus Leroya Lewis & Dippenaar-Schoeman, 2014 accepted as Ansistaria Sherwood, 2022 (unaccepted > junior homonym)
marine, brackish
recent + fossil
Not documented
IRMNG (2021). Thomisidae Sundevall, 1833. Accessed at: on 2025-02-18
2006-09-19 22:00:00Z
2012-01-29 23:00:00Z

basis of record Parker, S.P. (ed). (1982). Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw-Hill, New York. 2 volumes. [details] 

extant flag source Benton, M.J. (ed). (1993). The Fossil Record 2. Chapman & Hall, London, 845 pp. [details] 

habitat flag source Benton, M.J. (ed). (1993). The Fossil Record 2. Chapman & Hall, London, 845 pp. [details] 
Classification Eukaryota (Superkingdom) > Animalia (Kingdom) > Eumetazoa (Subkingdom) > Arthropoda (Phylum) > Chelicerata (Subphylum) > Arachnida (Class) > Araneae (Order) > Labidognatha (Suborder) > Thomisoidea (Superfamily) > Thomisidae (Family) [details]

Descriptive info Arachnids, nonmarine (characteristic of class: Parker). Spiders, terrestrial (characteristics of order) (Parker). Benton, 1993 habitat flag(s): T; stratigraphic range: Oligocene (Rupelian)-Holocene (?Recent) [details]

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