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Halymeniaceae Bory, 1828

105878  (

Corynomorphaceae · unaccepted (synonym)
Cryptonemiaceae · unaccepted (synonym)


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  1. Genus Acrodiscus Zanardini, 1869
  2. Genus Aeodes J.G. Agardh, 1876
  3. Genus Amalthea R. D'Archino & W.A. Nelson in D'Archino, Nelson & Zuccarello, 2014
  4. Genus Austroepiphloea E.A. Molinari-Novoa, C.E. Sánchez Ocharan & M.D. Guiry in Molinari-Novoa et al., 2021
  5. Genus Carpopeltis F. Schmitz, 1895
  6. Genus Codiophyllum J.E. Gray, 1872
  7. Genus Corynomorpha J.G. Agardh, 1872
  8. Genus Cryptonemia J.G. Agardh, 1842
  9. Genus Felicinia A. Manghisi, L. Le Gall, M.A. Ribera, G.M. Gargiulo & M. Morabito in Manghisi, Le Gall, Ribera, Bonillo, Gargiulo & Morabito, 2014
  10. Genus Galene R. D'Archino & G.C. Zuccarello in D'Archino, Nelson & Zuccarello, 2014
  11. Genus Gelinaria Sonder, 1845
  12. Genus Glaphyrosiphon M.H. Hommersand & G.L. Leister in Hommersand, Leister, Ramírez, Gabrielson & Nelson, 2010
  13. Genus Grateloupia C.A. Agardh, 1822
  14. Genus Grateloupiocolax Schnetter & Bula-Meyer, 1983
  15. Genus Halymenia C.A. Agardh, 1817
  16. Genus Howella C.W. Schneider, T.R. Popolizio, L.G.K. Kraft & G.W. Saunders, 2019
  17. Genus Isabbottia Balakrishnan, 1980
  18. Genus Isabottia M.S. Balakrishnan in T.V. Desikachary & V.N. Raja Rao, 1980
  19. Genus Kintokiocolax T. Tanaka & Y. Nozawa, 1960
  20. Genus Mariaramirezia M.S. Calderon, G.H. Boo, A. Mansilla & S.M. Boo in Calderon, Boo & Boo, 2016
  21. Genus Neoabbottiella Perestenko, 1982
  22. Genus Neofolia S.-M. Lin, C. Rodríguez-Prieto, O. De Clerck & J.M. Huisman in Rodríguez-Prieto et al., 2018
  23. Genus Neorubra M.S. Calderon, G.H. Boo & S.M. Boo, 2014
  24. Genus Nesoia H.W. Lee & M.S. Kim, 2018
  25. Genus Norrissia M.S. Balakrishnan in T.V. Desikachary & V.N. Raja Rao, 1980
  26. Genus Pachymenia J.G. Agardh, 1876
  27. Genus Phyllymenia J.G. Agardh, 1848
  28. Genus Polyopes J.G. Agardh, 1849
  29. Genus Spongophloea J.M. Huisman, O. De Clerck, W.F. Prud'homme van Reine & M.A. Borowitzka, 2011
  30. Genus Thamnoclonium Kützing, 1843
  31. Genus Yonagunia S. Kawaguchi & M. Masuda in S. Kawaguchi et al., 2004
  32. Genus Zymurgia J.A. Lewis & G.T. Kraft, 1992
  33. Genus Hymenophlaea J.G. Agardh, 1899 (uncertain > nomen dubium)
  34. Genus Abbotia L.P. Perestenko, 1975 accepted as Neoabbottiella Perestenko, 1982 (synonym)
  35. Genus Abbottia L.P. Perestenko, 1977 accepted as Neoabbottiella Perestenko, 1982 (synonym)
  36. Genus Blastophye J.G. Agardh, 1892 accepted as Cryptonemia J.G. Agardh, 1842 (synonym)
  37. Genus Cyrtymenia F. Schmitz, 1896 accepted as Grateloupia C.A. Agardh, 1822 (synonym)
  38. Genus Dactylymenia J.G. Agardh, 1899 accepted as Cryptonemia J.G. Agardh, 1842 (synonym)
  39. Genus Dermocorynus P.L. Crouan & H.M. Crouan, 1858 accepted as Grateloupia C.A. Agardh, 1822 (synonym)
  40. Genus Dictyophora F. Schmitz, 1896 accepted as Codiophyllum J.E. Gray, 1872 (synonym)
  41. Genus Epiphloea J.G. Agardh, 1890 accepted as Austroepiphloea E.A. Molinari-Novoa, C.E. Sánchez Ocharan & M.D. Guiry in Molinari-Novoa et al., 2021 (junior homonym)
  42. Genus Exartesia Chevallier, 1836 accepted as Grateloupia C.A. Agardh, 1822 (synonym)
  43. Genus Halymeniopsis Y. Yamada ex S. Inoh, 1947 accepted as Grateloupia C.A. Agardh, 1822 (synonym)
  44. Genus Pachymeniopsis Y. Yamada ex S. Kawabata, 1954 accepted as Grateloupia C.A. Agardh, 1822 (synonym)
  45. Genus Prionitis J.G. Agardh, 1851 accepted as Grateloupia C.A. Agardh, 1822 (synonym)
  46. Genus Prismatoma (J.G. Agardh) W.H. Harvey, 1860 accepted as Corynomorpha J.G. Agardh, 1872 (nomen rejiciendum)
  47. Genus Ramirezia M.S. Calderon, G.H. Boo, A. Mansilla & S.M. Boo, 2014 accepted as Mariaramirezia M.S. Calderon, G.H. Boo, A. Mansilla & S.M. Boo in Calderon, Boo & Boo, 2016 (junior homonym)
  48. Genus Sinkoraena H.-B. Lee, J.A. Lewis, G.T. Kraft & I.K. Lee, 1997 accepted as Polyopes J.G. Agardh, 1849 (synonym)
  49. Genus Sinotubimorpha W.-X. Li & Z.-F. Ding, 1998 accepted as Grateloupia C.A. Agardh, 1822 (synonym)
  50. Genus Zanardinula De Toni, 1936 accepted as Prionitis J.G. Agardh, 1851 accepted as Grateloupia C.A. Agardh, 1822 (synonym)
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
recent only
Not documented
IRMNG (2024). Halymeniaceae Bory, 1828. Accessed at: on 2025-01-06
2007-02-27 23:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2021-07-04 06:30:03Z

basis of record CoL2006/AlgaeBase [details] 

taxonomy source Ruggiero, M. A. (2014). Families of All Living Organisms, Version 2.0.a.15, (4/26/14). Expert Solutions International, LLC, Reston, VA. 420 pp. [details] 

current name source Ruggiero, M. A. (2014). Families of All Living Organisms, Version 2.0.a.15, (4/26/14). Expert Solutions International, LLC, Reston, VA. 420 pp. [details] 

extant flag source CoL2006/AlgaeBase [details] 

habitat flag source AlgaeBase [details] 

habitat flag source Aphia 2006 [details] 
Descriptive info Includes marine genera (Aphia 2006) Appears to be all marine genera (AlgaeBase) [details]

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