IRMNG name details
source of synonymy
Novikoff, A.; Barabasz-Krasny, B. (2015). System of Embryophytes. In: Novikoff A., Barabasz-Krasny B. Modern Plant Systematics: 23-63. Liga-Pres, Lviv, Ukraine. , available online at note: as per type family, Hydropteridaceae/Hydropteridiaceae [details]
taxonomy source
Novikoff, A.; Barabasz-Krasny, B. (2015). System of Embryophytes. In: Novikoff A., Barabasz-Krasny B. Modern Plant Systematics: 23-63. Liga-Pres, Lviv, Ukraine. , available online at [details]
From other sources
Taxonomic remark Name technically should be Hydropteridiales after the replacement name Hydropteridium for Hydropteris Rothwell & Stockey, 1994, a junior homonym of Hydropteris Kondinskaja, 1966, a fossil spore, however included within order Salviniales in IRMNG following Novikoff & Barabasz-Krasny, 2015. [details]