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1448  (

Linnaeus, 1758


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  1. Order Aetosauria †
  2. Genus Anshunpes Xing, Klein, Lockley, Wu, Benton, Zeng & Romilio, 2020 †
  3. Genus Antarcticoolithus Legendre, Rubilar-Rogers, Musser, Davis, Otero, Vargas & Clarke, 2020 †
  4. Order Araeoscelidia †
  5. Order Archosauria incertae sedis
  6. Order Archosauriformes incertae sedis †
  7. Order Archosauromorpha incertae sedis †
  8. Order Avetheropoda †
  9. Order Captorhinida †
  10. Order Choristodera †
  11. Order Cotylosauria †
  12. Order Crocodylia
  13. Order Crocodyliformes incertae sedis
  14. Order Crocodylomorpha incertae sedis
  15. Order Diapsida incertae sedis †
  16. Order Dinosauria incertae sedis †
  17. Order Eosuchia †
  18. Order Eusuchia incertae sedis
  19. Family Gracilisuchidae Butler, Sullivan, Ezcurra, Liu, Lecuona & Sookias, 2014 †
  20. Order Herrerasauria †
  21. Order Huenesuchia †
  22. Order Hupehsuchia †
  23. Order Ichthyosauria †
  24. Order Lepidosauria incertae sedis
  25. Order Lepidosauromorpha incertae sedis
  26. Order Loricata incertae sedis
  27. Order Mesoeucrocodylia incertae sedis
  28. Order Neodiapsida incertae sedis
  29. Order Neosuchia incertae sedis
  30. Order Nothosauria †
  31. Order Ornithischia †
  32. Order Parareptilia incertae sedis †
  33. Order Paraves incertae sedis †
  34. Order Pareiasauria †
  35. Order Pelycosauria †
  36. Order Placodontia †
  37. Order Plesiosauria †
  38. Order Procolophonoidea †
  39. Order Procolophonomorpha †
  40. Order Prolacertiformes †
  41. Order Protorosauria †
  42. Order Pterosauria †
  43. Order Pterosauromorpha incertae sedis †
  44. Order Rauisuchiformes †
  45. Order Reptilia incertae sedis
  46. Order Rhynchocephalia
  47. Order Rhynchosauria †
  48. Order Saurischia †
  49. Order Sauropterygia incertae sedis
  50. Order Sphenodontida
  51. Order Squamata
  52. Order Testudinata incertae sedis
  53. Order Testudines
  54. Order Tetrapodamorpha incertae sedis †
  55. Order Thalattosauria †
  56. Order Thalattosuchia †
  57. Order Thecodontia †
  58. Order Therapsida †
  59. Order Theriodontia †
  60. Order Trilophosauria †
  61. Order Younginiformes †
  62. Order Anapsida (awaiting allocation) (temporary name)
  63. Order Archosauria (awaiting allocation) † (temporary name)
  64. Order Dinosauria (awaiting allocation) † (temporary name)
  65. Order Dinosauriformes (awaiting allocation) † (temporary name)
  66. Order Ichthyopterygia (awaiting allocation) † (temporary name)
  67. Order Lepidosauria (awaiting allocation) (temporary name)
  68. Order Reptilia (awaiting allocation) (temporary name)
  69. Order Sauropsida (awaiting allocation) † (temporary name)
  70. Order Synapsida (awaiting allocation) (temporary name)
  71. Order Synaptosauria (awaiting allocation) † (temporary name)
  72. Order Araeoscelida † represented as Araeoscelidia †
  73. Order Sauropterygia † accepted as Sauropterygia incertae sedis (Listed as Order in older treatments, now generally as superorder, see e.g. Jiang et al., 2008)
  74. Order Chelonia accepted as Testudines (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
recent + fossil
Not documented
Taxonomic remark Class Reptilia - paraphyletic since technically it should also contain Aves, which evolved from it - has been abandoned in...  
Taxonomic remark Class Reptilia - paraphyletic since technically it should also contain Aves, which evolved from it - has been abandoned in some recent treatments (e.g. Catalogue of Life, 2022 version), where it has been replaced by multiple taxa at class level i.e. "classes" (formerly orders or subclasses) Crocodylia, Sphenodontia, Squamata and Testudines, alongside existing classes Aves and Mammalia, all within Tetrapoda (megaclass) and Amniota (superclass). Amphibia remain as a class, within Tetrapoda but outside Amniota. [details]
IRMNG (2024). Reptilia. Accessed at: on 2025-03-29
2010-05-31 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2017-04-23 06:50:01Z
2023-09-21 08:27:00Z

basis of record Parker, S.P. (ed). (1982). Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw-Hill, New York. 2 volumes. [details] 

current name source Ruggiero, M. A.; Gordon, D. P.; Orrell, T. M.; Bailly, N.; Bourgoin, T.; Brusca, R. C.; Cavalier-Smith, T.; Guiry, M. D.; Kirk, P. M. (2015). A higher level classification of all living organisms. <em>PLOS ONE.</em> 10(4): e0119248., available online at [details] 
Taxonomic remark Class Reptilia - paraphyletic since technically it should also contain Aves, which evolved from it - has been abandoned in some recent treatments (e.g. Catalogue of Life, 2022 version), where it has been replaced by multiple taxa at class level i.e. "classes" (formerly orders or subclasses) Crocodylia, Sphenodontia, Squamata and Testudines, alongside existing classes Aves and Mammalia, all within Tetrapoda (megaclass) and Amniota (superclass). Amphibia remain as a class, within Tetrapoda but outside Amniota. [details]

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