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Philippe, M.; Bamford, M. K. (2008). A key to morphogenera used for Mesozoic conifer-like woods. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 148(2-4): 184-207.
10.1016/j.revpalbo.2007.09.004 [view]
Philippe, M.; Bamford, M. K.
A key to morphogenera used for Mesozoic conifer-like woods
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
148(2-4): 184-207
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2022-05-27 18:51:45Z

Agathites Tuzson, 1909 † accepted as Agathoxylon Hartig, 1848 † (status source)
Agathites Tuzson, 1909 † accepted as Agathoxylon Hartig, 1848 † (source of synonymy)
Agathites Tuzson, 1909 † accepted as Agathoxylon Hartig, 1848 † (name verified source)
Agathites Tuzson, 1909 † accepted as Agathoxylon Hartig, 1848 † (basis of record)
Agathites Tuzson, 1909 † accepted as Agathoxylon Hartig, 1848 † (habitat flag source)
Agathites Tuzson, 1909 † accepted as Agathoxylon Hartig, 1848 † (extant flag source)
Agathoxylon Hartig, 1848 † (additional source)
Anomaloxylon Gothan, 1910 † accepted as Protocedroxylon W. Gothan, 1910 † (source of synonymy)
Araucariocaulon O. Lignier, 1907 † (additional source)
Araucariopitys A. Hollick & E.C. Jeffrey, 1909 † (current name source)
Araucariopitys A. Hollick & E.C. Jeffrey, 1909 † (basis of record)
Araucariopitys A. Hollick & E.C. Jeffrey, 1909 † (extant flag source)
Araucariopitys A. Hollick & E.C. Jeffrey, 1909 † (habitat flag source)
Araucariopitys Jeffrey, 1907 † accepted as Araucariopitys A. Hollick & E.C. Jeffrey, 1909 † (source of synonymy)
Araucariopitys A. Hollick & E.C. Jeffrey, 1909 † (name verified source)
Araucariorhyzoxylon I.A. Shilkina & Yatsenko-Khmelevskii † (name verified source)
Araucariorhyzoxylon I.A. Shilkina & Yatsenko-Khmelevskii † (basis of record)
Araucariorhyzoxylon I.A. Shilkina & Yatsenko-Khmelevskii † (status source)
Araucariorhyzoxylon I.A. Shilkina & Yatsenko-Khmelevskii † (extant flag source)
Araucariorhyzoxylon I.A. Shilkina & Yatsenko-Khmelevskii † (habitat flag source)
Araucarioxylon Kraus in W.P. Schimper, 1870 † accepted as Pitys H.T.M. Witham, 1833 † (additional source)
Araucarites Tuzson, 1911 † accepted as Agathoxylon Hartig, 1848 † (name verified source)
Araucarites Tuzson, 1911 † accepted as Agathoxylon Hartig, 1848 † (basis of record)
Araucarites Tuzson, 1911 † accepted as Agathoxylon Hartig, 1848 † (source of synonymy)
Araucarites Tuzson, 1911 † accepted as Agathoxylon Hartig, 1848 † (extant flag source)
Araucarites Tuzson, 1911 † accepted as Agathoxylon Hartig, 1848 † (habitat flag source)
Arctoxylon R. Kräusel, 1949 † accepted as Protocedroxylon W. Gothan, 1910 † (additional source)
Baieroxylon Greguss, 1961 † (additional source)
Brachyoxylon Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909 † (current name source)
Callitroxylon P. Greguss, 1967 † (additional source)
Circoporoxylon R. Kräusel, 1949 † (current name source)
Colymboxylon Hartig, 1848 † accepted as Agathoxylon Hartig, 1848 † (source of synonymy)
Cupressinoxylon Göppert, 1850 † (additional source)
Cupressoxylon Kraus in W.P. Schimper, 1870 † accepted as Cupressinoxylon Göppert, 1850 † (source of synonymy)
Dammaroxylon J. Schultze-Motel, 1966 † accepted as Agathoxylon Hartig, 1848 † (additional source)
Elatoxylon Hartig, 1848 † (status source)
Embergerixylon Y. Lemoigne, 1968 † (status source)
Ginkgoxylon Saporta, 1884 † (extant flag source)
Ginkgoxylon Saporta, 1884 † (habitat flag source)
Ginkgoxylon Saporta, 1884 † (name verified source)
Ginkgoxylon Saporta, 1884 † (basis of record)
Ginkgoxylon Saporta, 1884 † (current name source)
Glyptostroboxylon Conwentz, 1885 † (current name source)
Homoxylon Hartig, 1848 † (status source)
Homoxylon B. Sahni, 1932 † accepted as Sahnioxylon M.N. Bose & S.C.D. Sah, 1955 † (source of synonymy)
Jeffersonioxylon G.M. Del Fueyo et al., 1995 † (additional source)
Juniperoxylon C. Houlbert in P. Lecointre, 1910 † (additional source)
Keteleerioxylon I.A. Silkina, 1960 † (current name source)
Laricioxylon P. Greguss, 1967 † (additional source)
Lhassoxylon C. Vozenin-Serra & D. Pons, 1990 † (habitat flag source)
Lhassoxylon C. Vozenin-Serra & D. Pons, 1990 † (current name source)
Lhassoxylon C. Vozenin-Serra & D. Pons, 1990 † (basis of record)
Lhassoxylon C. Vozenin-Serra & D. Pons, 1990 † (name verified source)
Lhassoxylon C. Vozenin-Serra & D. Pons, 1990 † (extant flag source)
Lithoxylon Scheuchzer † (name verified source)
Lithoxylon Scheuchzer † (extant flag source)
Lithoxylon Scheuchzer † (status source)
Lithoxylon Scheuchzer † (habitat flag source)
Lithoxylon Scheuchzer † (basis of record)
Mesembrioxylon A.C. Seward, 1919 † accepted as Podocarpoxylon W. Gothan, 1905 † (source of synonymy)
Metacedroxylon R. Holden, 1913 † accepted as Protocedroxylon W. Gothan, 1910 † (source of synonymy)
Metacupressinoxylon R.E. Torrey, 1923 † accepted as Brachyoxylon Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909 † (source of synonymy)
Metapodocarpoxylon M. Dupéron-Laudoueneix & D. Pons, 1986 † (additional source)
Microcachryxylon T. Torres, B. Cortinat & H. Méon, 1994 † (current name source)
Nematophyta † (taxonomy source)
Novoguineoxylon Boureau & Jongmans, 1955 † (current name source)
Oguraxylon M. Nishida, 1974 † (current name source)
Oguraxylon M. Nishida, 1974 † (extant flag source)
Oguraxylon M. Nishida, 1974 † (name verified source)
Oguraxylon M. Nishida, 1974 † (basis of record)
Oguraxylon M. Nishida, 1974 † (habitat flag source)
Pagiophyllites J. Tuzson, 1911 † accepted as Agathoxylon Hartig, 1848 † (source of synonymy)
Palaeopiceoxylon R. Kräusel, 1949 † (current name source)
Palaeotaxodioxylon Frentzen, 1916 † (current name source)
Paracedroxylon Sinnott, 1909 † accepted as Brachyoxylon Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909 † (source of synonymy)
Paracupressinoxylon R. Holden ex R.E. Torrey, 1923 † accepted as Brachyoxylon Hollick & Jeffrey, 1909 † (source of synonymy)
Paradoxoxylon R. Kräusel in R. Kräusel & G. Leschik, 1955 † (current name source)
Paraphyllocladoxylon R. Holden, 1913 † accepted as Protophyllocladoxylon Kräusel, 1939 † (source of synonymy)
Paratetraclinoxylon H. Süss & S. Schultka, 2006 † (current name source)
Perisemoxylon D. He & X. Zhang, 1993 † (current name source)
Perisemoxylon D. He & X. Zhang, 1993 † (habitat flag source)
Perisemoxylon D. He & X. Zhang, 1993 † (extant flag source)
Perisemoxylon D. He & X. Zhang, 1993 † (name verified source)
Perisemoxylon D. He & X. Zhang, 1993 † (basis of record)
Peuce Lindley & W. Hutton, 1832 † accepted as Agathoxylon Hartig, 1848 † (additional source)
Phoroxylon H.C. Sze, 1951 † (extant flag source)
Phoroxylon H.C. Sze, 1951 † (habitat flag source)
Phoroxylon H.C. Sze, 1951 † (basis of record)
Phoroxylon H.C. Sze, 1951 † (name verified source)
Phoroxylon H.C. Sze, 1951 † (current name source)
Phyllocladoxylon W. Gothan, 1905 † (additional source)
Physematopitys Göppert, 1850 † (additional source)
Piceoxylon W. Gothan, 1905 † (current name source)
Pinites Lindley & W. Hutton, 1832 † (current name source)
Pinoxylon F.H. Knowlton in L.F. Ward, 1900 † (current name source)
Pinuxylon W. Gothan, 1905 † (additional source)
Pityoxylon Kraus in Schimper, 1870 † (status source)
Planoxylon Stopes, 1916 † (current name source)
Platyspiroxylon P. Greguss, 1961 † accepted as Agathoxylon Hartig, 1848 † (additional source)
Podocarpoxylon W. Gothan, 1905 † (additional source)
 Descriptive info

Fossil wood; Late Mesozoic, Dan Hinggan Mountains, China. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Junior homonym of Anomaloxylon Felix (Magnoliopsida); a a taxonomic synonym of Protocedroxylon Gothan according to ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Philippe & Bamford, 2008, list Araucariocaulon as a junior taxonomic synonym of Agathoxylon Hartig, however this is ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Description was inadequate for nomenclatural purposes; validly published as Araucariopitys A. Hollick & E.C. ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Initially published as Araucariopitys Jeffrey, 1907, however this description was inadequate for nomenclatural ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Relation to Araucariorhyzoxylon I.A. Shilkina & Yatsenko-Khmelevskii (per Philippe & Bamford, 2008, listed as not ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Relation to Araucariorhizoxylon I.A. Shilkina, 1984 (per ING) unclear (note slight difference in spelling); latter ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

A homotypic synonym of Peuce Lindley & Hutton 1832 according to Index Nominum Genericorum. Not to be used for ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: in spite of the fact that several species were mentioned in the protologue without ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: devoid of a clear diagnosis, based on contradictory syntypes, and almost forgotten, ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: this generic name was validly published independently several time[s] (Andreánszky, ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Junior homonym of Ginkgoxylon Saporta, 1884; present taxonomic status not researched. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: An intricate case, this genus has two syntypes (Conwentz, 1885). Andrews (1955) did ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: although the type of the genus was assigned to the Abietineae (Bose and Sah, 1955), ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

An accepted genus in Umkomasiaceae according to Novikoff & Barabasz-Krasny, 2015, however Philippe & Bamford, 2008 ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: ill-defined in its protologue and typified by a species based on a poorly preserved ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Name in current use (e.g. by Harland et al.,2007 and elsewhere), however Philippe & Bamford, 2008 stated: the ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

This name (without publication year) as given in Philippe & Bamford, 2008, along with the remark: type from the ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: albeit clearly given as a replacement name for Paracupressinoxylon Holden and based ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: although this name was given in the proceedings of a congress (Actas 7° congreso ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: — this generic name is typified by small isolated wood splinters, thus it is not ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: a junior taxonomical synonym of Brachyoxylon Hollick et Jeffrey (Philippe, 2002). ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Not validly published. (Index Nominum Genericorum), although listed as an accepted genus in Novikoff & ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: four morphogenera have been described by Süß and Schultka on the basis of ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: besides one species (P. bispirale) another wood is described in the protologue as ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: a poorly defined generic name, typified by Paleozoic material, should not to be used ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: As clearly explained by Medlyn and Tidwell (1979) Pinoxylon is the correct name for ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: the lectotype (Andrews, 1955) is a species based on a piece of wood from the ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: four morphogenera have been described by Süß and Schultka on the basis of ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: type material lost; very probably a junior taxonomical synonym of Brachyoxylon ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: The lectotype chosen by Andrews (1955) for this generic name is based on a specimen ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: see Philippe and Cantrill (2007) for lectotypification and lectotype illustration ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Not Protosciadopityoxylon Nadjafi, a thesis name only (refer Philippe & Bamford, 2008), not included in IRMNG. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Substitute name for Spiroxylon J. Walton 1925, non T. Hartig 1848. (Index Nominum Genericorum). Currently used as ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Substitute name for Homoxylon B. Sahni 1932, non T. Hartig 1848. (Index Nominum Genericorum). Initially suggested ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: fortunately enough for the stability of nomenclature, as it is probably a ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: four morphogenera have been described by Süß and Schultka on the basis of ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: four morphogenera have been described by Süß and Schultka on the basis of ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: despite that no diagnosis is given in the protologue and that more than one species ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: [as accepted genus] type reviewed, taxonomically very close to Protopiceoxylon ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: Mesozoic in age, and not Tertiary as stated in error by Andrews (1970), the type ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Not Widdringtonoxylon Penny, a separate taxon. Treated as an accepted genus in Novikoff & Barabasz-Krasny, 2015, ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Not Widdringtonioxylon Greguss, a separate taxon, also fossil wood in same family. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Philippe & Bamford, 2008: the genus is validly published, with a diagnosis generico-specifica (ICBN, art. ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Authority given as Grauvogel-Stamm, Meyer-Berthaud et Vozenin-Serra, although in another work (Review of ... [details]

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